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At 8:00pm the lights on the arena went up. The crowd cheered loudly. Niki, Chantal, Edsilia and Jan came onto the stage.
"hello everyone and welcome to The Eurovision Song Contest 2021." said Chantal.
"Tonight there will be thirty-nine competing to win."
"so good luck everyone and enjoy!"
After an amazing 22 acts, it came down to the two countries before Måneskin. They left during the ad break.
"could the following countries please come backstage. Ukraine, Israel and Italy. Please come backstage."
Y/N grabbed Victoria's hand. "good luck, okay? You'll be amazing. All of you." She kissed Victoria, hugging the three boys. "I love you. God I'm so nervous." sighed Victoria.
"you're incredible okay? Just do it for everyone you love. Do it for Nica and they guys, me. Do it for your mom." she said, rubbing her back.
"okay. Okay. I'll see you soon I guess."
"I'll see you All up there!" she said, grabbing Ethan and Thomas's hand. Oh and praying helps if you're like that."
The group smiled and headed backstage.

After Israel performed an amazing song, it was time for Italy. Y/N's heart was racing. She took a deep breath and looked up at the sky. Then over to Finland's booth. The boys all smiled with a thumbs up. She smiled and waved back. Then, Zitti E Buoni started playing. She saw the camera zoom in on damiano as he started singing.
Loro non sanno di che parlo
Voi siete sporchi fra’ di fango
Giallo di siga’ fra le dita
Io con la siga’ camminandoScusami ma ci credo tanto
Che posso fare questo salto
Anche se la strada è in salita
Per questo ora mi sto allenandoE buonasera signore e signori
Fuori gli attori
Vi conviene toccarvi i coglioni
Vi conviene stare zitti e buoniQui la gente è strana tipo spacciatori
Troppe notti stavo chiuso fuori
Mo’ li prendo a calci ‘sti portoni
Sguardo in alto tipo scalatoriQuindi scusa mamma se sto sempre fuori, ma
Sono fuori di testa ma diverso da loro
E tu sei fuori di testa ma diversa da loro
Siamo fuori di testa ma diversi da loro
Siamo fuori di testa ma diversi da loro
Ho scritto pagine e pagine
Ho visto sale poi lacrime
Questi uomini in macchina
Non scalare le rapide

Scritto sopra una lapide
In casa mia non c’è Dio
Ma se trovi il senso del tempo
Risalirai dal tuo oblio

E non c’è vento che fermi
La naturale potenza
Dal punto giusto di vista
Del vento senti l’ebrezza

Con ali in cera alla schiena
Ricercherò quell’altezza
Se vuoi fermarmi ritenta
Prova a tagliarmi la testa

Sono fuori di testa ma diverso da loro
E tu sei fuori di testa ma diversa da loro
Siamo fuori di testa ma diversi da loro
Siamo fuori di testa ma diversi da loro

Parla la gente purtroppo
Parla non sa di che cosa parla
Tu portami dove sto a galla
Che qui mi manca l’aria

Parla la gente purtroppo
Parla non sa di che cosa parla
Tu portami dove sto a galla
Che qui mi manca l’aria

Parla la gente purtroppo
Parla non sa di che cazzo parla
Tu portami dove sto a galla
Che qui mi manca l’aria

Ma sono fuori di testa ma diverso da loro
E tu sei fuori di testa ma diversa da loro
Siamo fuori di testa ma diversi da loro
Siamo fuori di testa ma diversi da loro
Noi siamo diversi da loro.
The crowd cheered the loudest they ever had. Y/N was crying. She blew Victoria a kiss. Victoria winked back at her; Mouthing "I love you".
They got off stage. Y/N ran into Victoria's arms. Kissing her. Holding the boys hands. She was still crying. "oh my god you guys were so amazing! I'm so so proud of you." she hugged each of them. They headed back to the booth where in just under an hour and 15 more acts the winner would be announced. The hard part was over. All they had to do was wait. Nervously.

The time passed rather quickly. Every country doing incredibly. It was tough competition, but måneskin were hopeful. Then, the votes were in.
It came down to Switzerland and Italy.
Damiano and Ethan looked up at the stage, hopeful yet shocked. Victoria was hugging both Y/N and Thomas tightly under each arm.
"Ladies and gentlemen. The public has voted. Italy has received... 318 POINTS!!" everyone cheered, screaming and clapping. They all gasped, bursting into tears. Italy was officially in 1st place. All they had to do was wait for Switzerland's votes.
"Italy moves to FIRST PLACE!" said Niki, excitedly. "Meaning, Switzerland will need 258 votes to win. The public has voted. And Switzerland has received 165 Votes."
Damiano and Ethan dropped to the floor in shock. Victoria, Y/N and Thomas looked at each other. Their eyes wide and mouth open. "OH MY GOD!" screamed Y/N. she burst into tears, jumping in to hug Thomas and Vic.
"THE WINNERS OF THE EUROVISION SONG CONTEST 2021 IS ITALY!!" exclaimed all four hosts. The crowd kept cheering. Y/N heard Blind Channel screaming the loudest. She looked back at them. Their hands waving in the air. Y/N smiled back at them, laughing. It was unbelievable. Once they - partially - came to terms that they just won the biggest song competition in Europe, they had to go and claim the trophy.
*Zitti E Buoni instrumental starts playing*
The crowd didn't stop screaming. The band walked on to the stage to claim their trophy. Damiano lifted the trophy above his head. The crowd went wild. They looked around in astonishment. "oh my god..." whispered Victoria to Ethan. "First reaction, SHOCK." said Thomas, teasing Ethan.
"Italy is now going to preform their song once more. So Europe, please, go wild for THE WINNERS OF EUROVISION 2021."
The band went backstage to grab their instruments. Niki followed them back. "Guys Congratulations! I'm so so happy you won. Just take this moment. I'll be in contact to get you back here for a YouTube video. Alright with you?"
"we'd be honoured. Thank you so much, Niki." said Victoria, hugging her and then grabbing her bass.
"the pleasure is all mine. Now, I believe you have somewhere to be?" chuckled Niki. The group nodded and headed towards the stage.

They sang zitti e buoni one more time except there were a few changes... Damiano went off script and sang the version with swearing in it. Victoria seemed to be the only one who noticed. She gasped "Damiano!" he shrugged it off and kept singing. Vic looked down to Y/N towards the end. She jumped off stage, taking her hand and leading her up on stage, just in time for the end of the song where they made history. Damiano grappled Thomas and kissed him. Then ethan. Vic and Y/N kissed also. Niki was on the sidelines cheering with the rest of the crowd.
"TO THE WHOLE OF EUROPE, TO THE WHOLE WORLD. ROCK N' ROLL. NEVER. DIES." yelled Damiano into the microphone.

They knew that this meant endless interviews and world tours. And they couldn't be more excited.

𝑹𝑯𝒀𝑻𝑯𝑴 ~ 𝑽𝒊𝒄𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒊𝒂 𝑫𝒆 𝑨𝒏𝒈𝒆𝒍𝒊𝒔Where stories live. Discover now