2: "These Golden Tickets."

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"Charlie, if you don't wake up, i won't be taking you to school." I shout to him. "My shift starts in 30 minutes, get a move on."
Charlie then walks out of our room ready. We start our lovely little walk to school until we see a gathering of people around a lamppost.
"Come on, let's take a look." I say to Charlie and drag him to the post. We both push to the front to read the piece of paper posted on the sign.

The paper read:
"Dear people of the world, I, Willy Wonka, have decided to allow five children to visit my factory this year. In addition, one of these children shall receive a special prize beyond anything you could ever imagine.

Five golden tickets have been hidden underneath the ordinary wrapping paper of five ordinary Wonka bars. These five bars may be anywhere, in any shop, in any street, in any town, in any country in the world."

Charlie and I start to walk to his school thinking about the whole golden ticket situation.
"It would be good to get one." Charlie says.
"But these golden tickets will be hard to find. I can try and work more shifts to get more money if you really want more a chance, Charlie."
"Cassie, you dont need to, I dont mind. It would be good to get a golden ticket but its not the biggest thing to me. Please don't work extra shifts I won't get to see you." He says hugging me.

Obviously it would be amazing to get one. But I doubt we will. I wave Charlie off at school; I walk off to work. I head into the shop at 6am just before our 6.15 opening.

"Cassie, please stack more Wonka bars on the shelf. I have a feeling this golden ticket business will cause alot of chaos. Hes some more boxes just incase." Mr Morganstein says to me. I just nod and get straight to it.

Let's say Mr Morganstein wasn't wrong. We had about 150 Wonka bars in the shop at the beginning of the day and now we don't have any.
"Mr Morganstein, please can you place a order in for more Wonka bars. We have run out." I ask. He just nods and sighs. He was out most of the day to avoid the chaos. Lucky piece of shit.
"Cassie, here's a tip for what you had to endure today." He hands me $20. He then shoos me away with his hand.
"Thank you, Mr Morganstein." I say.
"Yeah, yeah. Shifts over, get out."

My shift has officially ended and I meet up with John. We walk towards my house.
"Hello everyone." We both say.
We walk in to Grandma Josephine saying "You have as much a chance as everybody does."
"Balderdash. The kids who are going to find the golden tickets are the ones who can afford to buy a candy bars everyday. Our Charlie gets only one a year. He doesn't have a chance."
"Everyone has a chance, Charlie." Grandma Josephine says.
"Mark my words, the kid who finds the first ticket will be fat, fat, fat." Grandpa George says.
"I got $20 extra today at the shop." I say trying to lighten the mood. I hand it to mom. She refuses it so I force it in her hand to keep.

"John, how was work today?" I ask.
"Right, glad you asked. You know Debra who does all the finance stuff?"
"Yeah, she's a nice woman."
"Shes not, absolute witch, she is. She fell down the stairs and is in hospital."
"Will she be alright?" I ask concerned for Debra. I have met the old woman a couple of times after meeting John at the flower shop.
"Dont know. My boss said she will have to walk it off but she hasn't been discharged yet. Best mathematician we have in that shop."
"I hope she gets better soon."
"Yeah, me too. Sign the card." He demands handing me the card.
"Why me?"
"She hasn't got any friends to sign it."

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