17:"He's a chocolatier."

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Wonka opens the door to the television room. The whole room is just white. There's a massive clear cylinder type shape in the centre with a tv in the corner. We walk in and Wonka hands us all glasses.
"Here, put these on quick and don't take them off, whatever you do. This could burn your eyeballs right out if your skulls and we don't want that now do we?"
I quickly put the glasses on muttering "Well thats lovely." I turn around and make sure Charlie has his on and when he does I grab his hand.
"I'm not 5." He whispers to me.
"Well, every room we have entered something has happened to a kid. Im not letting something happen to you." I whisper back. He looks at me sadly sort of. I smile at him.

"This is the testing room for my latest and greatest invention. Television chocolate. One day it occurred to me.

"Hey, if television can break up a photograph into millions and millions if tiny little pieces and send it whizzing throughout the air, then reassemble it on the other end. Why can't I do the same thing with chocolate? Why can't I send a real bar of chocolate through television, all ready to be eaten?"

"Sounds impossible." Mr Teavee comments.
"It is impossible." Mike says. "You don't understand anything about science. First off, there's a difference between waves and particles. Duh! Second, the amount of power it would take to convert energy into matter would be like 9 atomic bombs."
"Mumbler!" Willy yells almost scaring me. "Seriously, I cannot understand a single word you are saying."
"The thing is, Mike isn't wrong. It such be impossible." I say. "But Willy obviously does understand science otherwise his business wouldn't have got this far. All the things he's created is using science. So as much as this should be impossible I believe Willy will be able to do it."

"Okey Dokey. I shall now send a bar of chocolate from one end of the room to the other by television. Bring in the chocolate!"

6 Oompa Loompas bring in a massive bar of chocolate; placing it onto the circular stage in the centre of the room.

"Its gotta be real big 'cause you know how on a TV you can film a regular size man and he comes out looking this tall?" Willy shows us a certain height with his fingers while saying 'this tall'. We all nod. "Same basic principle."

"Would you like to do the honours, darling?" He whispers to me. I just smile, point at the button questioning if its the right one to which he nods. I then press the red button and the chocolate bar rises.
"Wicked." Then there's a blinding light that the bar gets zapped with and then it vanishes.

"Its gone." Charlie says amazed.
"Told you." Willy says to Charlie. "That bar of chocolate is now rushing through the air above our heads in a million tiny, little pieces, come over here. Come on, come on, come on." He says excitedly. He grabs my hand and pulls me over, the others run behind him.
"Watch the screen. Here it comes. Look." Willy says looking proud of himself. I cant help but smile. Wonka then turns to Mike.
"Take it."
"Its just a picture on the screen." Mike says.
"Scaredy cat." Willy says to Mike. What a child. He turns to Charlie. "You take it. Go on. Just reach out and grab it." He encourages.

"If anything happens, Charlie, which I'm pretty sure it won't, I will personally get revenge for you." I whisper jokingly.
"You better do, John better do as well."
I laugh at Charlie's response.

Charlie puts his hand into the tv and grabs the chocolate bar.
"Holy hell."
"Lang- nevermind you didnt swear." Charlie says.
"Eat it. Go on. It'll be delicious. Its the same bar, its just got a little smaller on the journey, that's all."

At the encouragement from Wonka, Charlie unwraps the bar. To further encourage, Willy starts mimicking biting as if Charlie doesn't know what that is. Charlie bites into it unsurely. The uncertainty is gone soon when Charlie says, "Its great."

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