I see Mrs Gloops number first. I only saw her and her son for about 45 minutes before they went off so I dont really know them that well. I dial the number.
"Hello, Mrs Gloop speaking how may I help?" She says through the phone.
"Hiya, im Cassie Bucket, i was on the chocolate factory tour with you, I was just calling to see how you and Augustus are." I say kindly through the phone.
"Augustus someone's on the phone for you." She calls. I hear shuffling.
"Hello." I hear Augustus say.
"Hi, how are you?" I say.
"I'm fine."
"Thats good."
"How did you get this number?" He asks.
"Mr Wonka gave them to me, so I could check in."
"That Mr Wonka. I hate him." Augustus growls angrily. "My skin is half chocolate, which isn't bad. If It didn't cause my Ptsd."
"I'm so sorry, that happened to you, Augustus. If you ever want to talk, im here." I say kindly into the phone even though he's just said he hates my boyfriend. Which Is understandable.
"I want Wonka dead. I've been going to therapy though, which helps a bit. I haven't eaten anything of his since the tour. I cant go to school, people lick me. I also cough up chocolate randomly. Its awful. I had to go hospital one time."
"How much was the hospital?"
"€100, why?"
"I'll send over some money. It will be in dollars. You should be able to change it." I say.
"You don't have to send over money, it was Augustus' fault at the end of the day. He shouldn't have been drinking the chocolate River." Mrs Gloop says after taking the phone.
"He also shouldn't have gotten stuck in the pipe." I argue.
"Its alright. Don't worry about it. Thank you for calling." She says finalising the whole thing. "Bye, Cassie."
"Bye, Mrs Gloop." I say and she hangs up."As if you just offered money to that boy." Grandpa George says shaking his head.
"He coughs up chocolate, Grandpa George." I say. "His fingers are part chocolate and it causes him ptsd. He's in therapy. Because he visited this place."
"He drank the chocolate from the river, he deserved it." Grandpa Joe joins in.
"Your partly right but what if that was Charlie? It would be a different story then right." I say standing up getting ready to say more.
"Sit down, Cassie." Dad interrupts. I sit down."I'll call Mike next. I have a feeling this won't go that well. I would say he had it the worst."
I dial the number and it rings for a bit.
"Hello, Mrs Teavee speaking." A kind voice says on the otherside of the phone.
"Hi, i was wondering if Mike was there?" I say politely.
"Mike, there's someone on the phone for you." I hear Mrs Teavee say I'm guessing up the stairs.
"Hello, this is Mike." He says.
"Hi, Mike. I'm Cassie Bucket. I was there on the day of the chocolate factory tour."
"I remember you." He says.
"I've just called to see how you are after everything." I say.
"I'm alright, I mean. I'm tall which means I'm now good at basketball but I'm incredibly skinny. Not a good look." He says.
"Your intelligent have you tried doing something with that?" I ask.
"I'm homeschooled now, im working on building a robot that can clean the house."
"Thats cool, how's that going?"
"I'm currently searching for a certain piece and then it should work."
"I'm happy you have found something good to do." I say smiling even though he can't see me.
"I don't play video games anymore. I sold my play station and x box. I used that money to buy all my parts." He says excitedly. He's proud that he's changed and im happy for him.
I hear a faint "Mike, time for lunch." On the phone.
"Sorry, I've got to go. Will you call me again?"
"If you want me to, I will." I say.
"I'll add you onto my mom's phone, she said she won't mind. Call you later, Cassie bye."
"Bye, Mike." He then hangs up."I take it that phone call went well." Grandma Josephine says.
"Mikes made himself into a good kid, im proud of him." I say smiling. "Hes building a robot, he's using his intelligence for something worth while. He's sold his games consoles. He's changing. That's good."
"Thats good for Mike." Grandpa Joe says."Veruca seems like a safe choice next." I say. I dial the number.
"I'm not buying anything." I hear Mr Salt say on the other side of the phone after it rings twice.
"I'm not selling anything, im Cassie Bucket i was there on the day of the tour." I say quickly into the phone.
"I want nothing to do with that Wonka, good day." He says and then hangs up.
"Verucas phone number is on here as well." I say and dial her number.
"This is Veruca Salt, how can I help you?" She says poshly.
"Hello, im Cassie Bucket from the day of the chocolate factory tour." I say into the phone.
"Ugh, Wonkas pet are we now." She says. She's still a brat. Keep smiling, Cas, keep smiling.
"I was just checking in after everything that happened that day." I say sweetly into the phone.
"One of my eyes is blind, my best coat smells of rubbish and had to be chucked out. I have squirrel scratch scars all over my body. Wonka will be dead if I see him again." She says before hanging up."2 out of the 3 wish my boyfriend dead, cool, cool, cool." I say nodding. "Veruca hasn't changed."
Theres on last phone call left to make, Violet. This could go 2 ways. Violet is nice to me or her mother starts having a go at me.
I dial the number and let it ring.
"Hello, this is Debbie Beauregarde how may I help you?" Her name is Debbie. Mrs Beauregardes name is Debbie. Didnt expect that one.
"Hiya, Mrs Beauregarde this is Cassie Bucket from the chocolate factory tou-" she cuts me off. "The one who's fucking Mr Wonka."
"Sorry?" I cough. What you didnt know is that my phones on speaker so my family with the exception of Charlie has heard that.
"Your fucking Mr Wonka, he was way to into you to just be friends." She says.
"He's my boyfriend and we haven't done it yet but that isn't any concern of yours I've just called to check in with Violet after everything." I say politely.
"My little Violet is fine. Even if she wasn't she wouldn't want to talk to you." Mrs Beauregarde then hangs up.I check the forms, Violet also has a phone number on here.
"Hello?" Violet says into the phone.
"Hiya, im Cassie Bucket from the day of the chocolate factory tour. I was just calling to check in."
"I'm doing fine."
"I heard you started doing acrobatics."
"After all the blueberry juice was squeezed out of me, I was really flexible. I started doing gymnastics. My favourite trick to do it front walkover but I can do a thing called a cage which is where you lie on your chin and grab your feet. I can also do a needle which is where you grab your leg behind you and straighten it so its in a split. I haven't competed in gymnastics despite my mother wanting me too, I just don't want to. I don't like who I was before. I also don't have chewing gum anymore. Which I'm a bit sad I had to give up but it would just give me bad memories. I'm also blue, everyone calls me unique and I feel special. My mom just calls me a smurf which I don't like." She goes on. We talk for a while. She seems happy with who she is.
"I'm proud of you, Violet." I say. "Sadly, I need to go now."
"Can I call you another time?" She asks hopefully.
"Of course you can."
"Thank you. Have a nice day." She says.
"Bye." I say before hanging up

Cassie's Love •Willy Wonka•
Fanfic"Mr Wonka is staring at you, Cassie." I'm Cassie Bucket. Charlie Bucket's older sister. Over my years in this wonderful thing called life I develop a celebrity crush on someone named Mr Willy Wonka, never in a million years did I think I would meet...