13: "Soul Brother?"

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We enter the inventing room and jesus was there a lot going on. Machines everywhere. Smoke. Colours. Different smells. It was a lot to take in on first glance.
"This is the most important room in the entire factory. Now, everyone, enjoy yourselves, but please don't touch anything, okay? Go on." Mr Wonka says.

"So Charlie where would you like to head on to first?"I ask in a funny accent.
"I'm going over there." He points to one side of the room. "You, Cassie, are going over there." He then points to where Mr Wonka is.
Charlie doesn't give me much a choice as he walks off, leaving me on my own.

"How good to see you again, Mr Wonka." I say in a posh playful tone.
"Great to see you, Miss Bucket." Wonka says joining in on the tone. "But please call me Willy."
"Well then its only right you call me Cassie."
"So, how does the amazing chocolatier make his sweets?" I ask.
"Well you see there is tons of different machines that make different things. Each having their own parts. Chocolate isn't made in this room but all the different candies are. This machine is the newest thing I'm working on, it isn't right yet. The Oompa Loompa trials haven't done so well." Mr Wonka continues on. I like listening to him speak about stuff he's passionate about. His face lights up when someone asks. His eyes look happy as he explains all the wonders of the chocolate factory.

"Hey, Mr Wonka, whats this?" Violet asks interrupting Mr Wonka and I's conversation.
"Oh, let me show you." He replies wondering off towards the tank of water. He looks annoyed that our conversation was cut short but fakes happiness anyway.
An Oompa Loompa hands him one of the candies.
"Thank you." He says to the Oompa Loompa. "These are Everlasting Gobstoppers. They're for children who are given very little allowance money. You can suck on it all year and it'll never get any smaller."
"I know the exact comment John would make if he was here." I whisper to Charlie.
"Probably something inappropriate." Charlie whispers back.
"No, gum is for chewing. If you tried chewing one of these Gobstoppers, you'd break all your little teeth off. But they sure do taste terrific." Mr Wonka says. Im guessing Violet said something about gum for Wonkas answer to make sense.

Wonka then walks over to another machine and takes some sort of candy out of it.
"Now this is hair toffee. You suck down on one of these little boogers and in exactly half an hour, a brand new crop of hair will start growing all over the top of your little noggin. With a moustache and a beard."
"Who wants a beard?" Mike asks quite rudely.
"Well beatniks for one, folk singers and motorbike riders. Y'know. All those hip, jazzy, super cool, neat, keen and groovy cats. Its in the fridge daddy-o! Are you hip to the jive? Can you dig what I'm layin' down? I knew you could. Slide me some skin, soul brother." Wonka lists. He goes to high five Mike but he just blanks him.
"Unfortunately, the mixture isn't quite right yet, cause an Oompa Loompa tried it yesterday and um well." Wonka stops when we see and Oompa Loompa walk past. But this one had hair covering its whole body.
"How are you, today?" Two hands show a thumbs up in response to the question.
"I'm loving the hair." I say smiling. The Oompa Loompa whispers something to Wonka and points at me, leaving Wonka smiling slightly and then the little man walks off.
"Soul Brother?" I question Willy. He just shrugs.

Willy's Pov:
"You know that girl." He points at Cassie. "Shes a keeper, we all like her." The Oompa Loompa says then walks off. This makes me smile knowing that my friends approve of someone I really like.

A/n: thought you would like to know what the Oompa Loompa said so yeah.

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