33: "Goodie Two Shoes"

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We get back from our lovely week away in London and Willy is straight back to work. Not even kidding, straight in the house and he's off to the inventing room. I decide we should, we being me, Liana and Archie, go see my parents.

"Theres my grandkids." Mom says opening her arms to hug my children. Dad comes over to hug me.
"How was your holiday?" Dad asks me after we break apart.
"It was good, the kids enjoyed it. They found out that Willy is the creator of Wonka chocolate." I answer hugging Mom.
"Grandma, did you know Daddy created Wonka chocolate?" Liana asks Mom.
"I did." She replies nodding her head.
"Mommy knew, you knew. Why didn't anyone tell us?" Liana says angrily crossing her arms over her chest.
"I thought you knew." Mom says trying to stop the child being angry. Mom hands Liana and Archie a fruit shoot each.
"Cassie, want a fruit shoot or a tea?" Mom asks.
"Fruit shoot, obviously." I say taking one from my mothers hand.

"Cas?" I hear Dad say.
"Yeah, Dad?"
"I'm taking Liana and Archie shopping with me, alright?"
"Yeah, behave the pair of you. Have fun." I say waving them off. Thats the 2 kids gone for an hour or so.

John and Tom walk in.
"Oooo, fruit shoots." John says grabbing one out the fridge.
"A child, an actual child." Tom says shaking his head at his boyfriend.
"Want one, babe?" John asks showing Tom one to which he replies with 'no thank you'.

"So, Cas, how was the holiday?" John asks.
"It was great, we went on the London Eye, we went legoland as well. I think the kids had fun." I say taking a drink of the fruit shoot.
"I went Legoland on a school trip once." Tom says casually causing mine and John's jaws to drop.
"We went to fucking museums and you went to Legoland." I say still in shock.
"We also went the beach one time." Tom says, now he's starting to brag. I can feel it.
"The beach- Did our school just hate us?" John says.
"John, the teachers hated us anyway." I say. I don't blame the teachers hating us, we were awful in school. Always late, neither of us focused, we used lesson time as a chance to gossip, we would throw pens across the room as an excuse to go see each other, we even smoked in school once (i didn't like it so we never did it again) but then despite all of this, we got good grades.
"Hello, darling." I hear behind me. I turn around when Willy puts his hands on my chair.
"Hello, my love." I peck his lips before continuing my conversation with John.

"Your telling me, you skipped all your lessons that day by just walking around the hallways and nobody questioned it?" Tom says quite shocked. Willy had sat down and joined the conversation.
I nod confirming what he said was right.
"I've never even tried to skip." Tom says.
"Goodie two shoes." I say coughing to cover it up. Only causing John to laugh. Then starting us all off and we were all laughing.

"I remember that one teacher got so mad at you." John says pointing at me.
"Oh yeah, Mrs Anderson." I say remembering it also. "I didnt even do anything that bad."
"You've done worse." Johns says while I agree with him.
"What happened?" Willy asks.

Flashback to 15 year old me...
"Cassie, stop talking, your voice is giving me a headache." Mrs Anderson whines at me.
"I wasn't even talking." I say confused.
"You was i heard you." She says in her dull voice.
"Miss, your voice is giving me a headache but you won't stop droning on will you." I say. This causes the class to lightly laugh, dont know what though, I was being serious.
"Cassie, detention." I give her a dirty look.
"Why I have I got fucking detention?" I mutter to John.
"She don't like you, dont know why though." John whispers back.

"For gods sake, Cassie. Shut your mouth before I shut it for you." Mrs Anderson yells. "The poor guy who has to marry you and listen to your yapping all day."
"The poor person who had to marry you and deal with your boring ass attitude all the time." I say to Mrs Anderson.
"Get out." She demands pointing at the door.
"No." I say still sitting down.

Then Mrs Anderson starts arguing with me and I just keep arguing back.
"Fucking hell, Miss." I shout. "Stop yelling will you."
Mrs Anderson stands there before grabbing my arm and pulling me out of the classroom. 5 minutes later, John is walking outside. I give him a confused look and he just says "can't let you deal with the witch alone, can I?"

"So yeah, thats what happened." I say finishing my story.
"What was so important that you had to be talking in a lesson about it?" Willy asks.
"Becky was fucking some dude in our class. I wanted to know how he pulled her. She's hot and he's just not." I say trying to defend myself.
Willy laughs and wraps his arm around me.

"I ain't seen Becky in a while actually." John says.
"She moved to Africa." I say.
"How'd you know?" Tom asks.
"Yolanda is Facebook friends with Becky and Yolanda came into the shop I worked at and she told me."
"Yolanda is such a bitch." I say.
"She got with everything that moved it was awful. She tried getting with me." John says. "The girl just didn't understand i was gay."

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