Another Year later...
Being 6 months pregnant isn't fun, I don't recommend. Its the bad mood and uncomfortable sleep thats getting to me. Like im in a bad mood for no reason, reminds me of my teenage years. Then getting no sleep doesn't help that. I also very cuddly when upset meaning I will randomly hug people. Not strangers, my family obviously.Me and Willy are sitting in bed currently, he's still working and im reading a book.
"Mmh." I hum almost asking him to as the question.
"Is cocoa bean alright?" He asks. He's been calling the baby cocoa bean which is very cute. We haven't come up with names yet.
"I'm guessing so, why?"
"Shes not kicking." I only just noticed he has put his hand on my stomach.
"Maybe she's bored of kicking. I've had enough of her booting me maybe she got the message after yelling at her 3 times." I say smiling.
"Hello, cocoa bean. How are you today?" He says after lifting my shirt to speak to the child. He gently kisses my stomach which causes her to start kicking again.
"Just missed her father was whats wrong with her." I say going back to my book. "Obviously stealing half of my food, water and oxygen isn't enough. She needs her father as well." I say laughing. He kisses my cheek.
"Just because she prefers me." He says turning back to his work.
"Oh hell no, she better like me otherwise I will cry." I say getting sad again. See, these emotions are driving me insane."My dear, she will love you. I mean she has been stealing your food for 6 months." He says cupping my face in his hands. He kisses my lips softly. He wraps his arm around me and I cuddle into him.
"Baby names?" I ask.
"I've been waiting for this conversation." He says happily.
"Lilliana?" I suggest.
"No, I don't really like that." He says shaking his head. "Luna?" He suggests.
"Middle name." I say. "Liana?" I suggest.
"I do like that actually. Liana Luna Wonka."
"Its pretty. Like she will be." I say.
"That wasn't too hard." He says as we settle to cuddle again."This stupid child won't leave my body." I scream. "Liana I know your listening, please stop this pain." I practically beg the newborn thats sitting in my stomach. My water has broke and now I'm sitting in hospital waiting for the child.
Then I actually go into child birth.
"I cant do it." I cry. "I actually can't." I grab Willys hand and he holds it like he will never let go.
"You can, darling. Cassie, you are the strongest woman i know. You can do this. It may hurt but you can." He says over my screams in pain.
"This hurts why wasn't i told about this." I shout.Eventually, Liana Luna Wonka is born. 5th March. I move over so Willy can sit on the bed as well. We wraps his arm around my shoulders as I sit cuddling the baby in my arms.
"Shes so tiny." He says.
"She is. But how she was in my body this size i don't know." I say in a light jokey tone.
"You did so well, darling. I'm proud of you." He whispers to me and kisses my head.Luckily I don't have to spend time in hospital meaning I can go home. I want my family to meet Liana. Charlie is at school so she can just meet my parents and grandparents. I don't want to make her panic about all the people especially since she has only ever seen me and Willy.
"Mom, Dad. We're back." I say walking into the Bucket house.
"Oh my god, look at her." Mom says taking her grandchild out of my arms. I haven't been without Liana in my arms since she's been born, except for the drive home obviously, so its weird.Dad comes over and sees her. They both talk in a bay voice at the girl for a while before Grandpa George wants to hold her.
"I want to hold my great grand daughter." He says.
"So do I." Grandpa Joe and Grandma Josephine says.
I hand her over to him. He wriggles up the bed so I can sit beside him while he holds my daughter.
"I remember when you were this big." He says looking at me. "You looked all cute and innocent, what happened?" He asks jokingly. I laugh slightly.
I hand her over to Joe and Josephine. They give her attention before she starts to feel overwhelmed and cries."Shush, its okay, cocoa bean." Willy says in a hushed tone taking her gently back. She stops crying after a while causing me and mom to say "daddys girl." in unison. I gently kiss the top of Lianas head while she falls asleep.
"Wait until she meets John, that will be fun." I whisper to myself.
"Bye, everyone." I say walking out to go let Liana sleep.We got her bedroom done a couple weeks ago. Being the absolute angel she is, she stays asleep for a good 20 minutes before waking up crying. Note the sarcasm for absolute angel.
I didnt get any sleep that night. Like none. I was awake with her all night.
"Please stop crying, you've been alive a day. You haven't seen the horrors of life to cry about yet." I say in a hushed tone, rocking her in my arms hoping she will sleep.About a week later.
Liana is meeting John and Charlie today. I have a feeling it will be a bit chaotic. I spent all morning cleaning the house before they came over.
"I don't think Charlie or John care about how messy the house is, darling." Willy says as I'm running around clearing stuff up.
"I bet they do, probably judging the mess as soon as they walk through the door." I say."I'm here." John says. "Charlies here as well."
"Hi guys." I say hugging both of them.
"Can I meet her?" Charlie asks trying to be quiet in case she's sleeping. I kiss the top of my husbands head when I walk in as he's sitting on the sofa with Liana."She asleep?" I ask and he nods. "Why can't she sleep at night then. Charlie sit down." He sits down on the otherside of the sofa. I gently lift Liana and put her in his arms.
"Shes adorable." Charlie says. I see John come over. He sits on the floor infront of Charlie gently stroking the Babys head.
"Shes cute, Cas." He says in a hushed tone. Willy wraps his arm around my shoulder and i cuddle into his side.
John takes her out of Charlie's arms and sits with her. She seems happy in John's arms, im very jealous.
"So the person who carried her for 9 months only gets tears and screaming but everyone else gets giggles and smiles. I see how it is." I say getting jealous.
"Can I be godfather, please Cassie please." John asks basically begging me.
"We have been talking about it." I say.
"John we would like for you to be the godfather. If I trust anyone with my daughter its you." Willy finishes for me. I can see John mentally celebrating.Eventually, John and Charlie have to go to work.
"I would say everythings been a success so far." I say high fiving Willy.
"It has been. I have a beautiful wife and an amazing daughter who is loved by everyone she meets so far. Its going well." Willy says.

Cassie's Love •Willy Wonka•
Fanfiction"Mr Wonka is staring at you, Cassie." I'm Cassie Bucket. Charlie Bucket's older sister. Over my years in this wonderful thing called life I develop a celebrity crush on someone named Mr Willy Wonka, never in a million years did I think I would meet...