23: "You are cheating, my dear."

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Its been a few days since our first date. Willy has been coming around for dinner. I've been to his house a couple times as well. We have got into a pattern. Willy finishes his work, he comes over to the Bucket household for dinner then me and Willy head off to his house, which is also inside the factory just another room, and watch movies.

Once again, I was round my boyfriend's house.
"We should watch stranger things." I say.
"It looks alright, darling."
"I've heard its quite good. Just long episodes thats all."
He puts stranger things on. We both sit there happily watching it while cuddling.

When the episodes over he turns to face me.
"I'm not starting a staring contest, dont even think about it." I say. He just stares into my eyes.
"Thats it, im winning this time." I say sitting up and staring back. This time, I cheat. I run my hand up and down his arm. He breathes in slowly.
"You are cheating, my dear." He says still watching my eyes.
"Only doing what you did, my love." I say. I continues to move my hand up and down. Then I massage his shoulder. Only then does he looks at my hand.
"Well done, darling." He says smiling slightly at me.

We sit in a comfortable silence before Willy says. "Do you want children?"
"Eventually, yeah. I want to know im ready for them if I'm going to have them. Do you?" I ask. I don't think he will after seeing all the kids in the chocolate factory.
"I do, I think, I mean as long as it doesn't turn out to be a brat." He replies.
"I don't think you would raise a brat. Not after seeing Veruca."
"She was the squirrel kid wasnt she?"
"Yeah." I say without thought and then "Why don't you know their names?"
"Never needed to." He mutters.

"Who was the gum chewer? You seemed quite fond of her." He asks out of nowhere breaking the silence that fell among us again.
"Yes, that one. Why did you like her?"
"I don't know, I felt a protection over her. I saw how her mother didn't really care about her, just her competitions. I bet the girl hasn't had some stuff I've had. Like having a laugh or having a hug with a parental figure while crying. I don't know i felt protective of her."
"Even though she called you short?" He asks confused as to how I liked the girl.
"I am quite short but it doesn't bother me."

A week later, I walk into Willys office.
"I didnt know you had an office." I say looking around at the place. It had purple and burgundy walls. Chair and desk sitting in the middle with a chest of drawers in the left corner. There's a window sat on the purple wall sitting behind his desk letting in natural light.
"I'm not in here often. I only come In here when I need to find old candy formulas or putting new candy formulas in here." He replies. He's currently sat at the desk.
"What are you doing then?"
"Paperwork. Apparently with the golden ticket rush I got more money these past 2 months than ever before. Meaning I have to sort it all." He says rolling his eyes.
I then get to the reason I walked in here for. "Do you have a phone?" I ask.
"Yeah, here." He hands it to me after looking through the scattered paper work on the desk for it.
"Do you have the paper work with phone numbers on about the kids who did the tour."
"I want to call and see how they are doing." I say.
"Right, the forms should be in the bottom drawer, over there." He points at the chest of drawers and I find them.
"Thank you." I grab the folder of forms and the phone and make my way home.

"Cassie what are you doing?" Grandpa Joe asks.
"You see, the children went through quite a bit of trauma during there time here, just thought I would call to see how they are doing." I say looking through.
"Thats nice." Grandma Josephine says

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