12: "Shit, Fuck, Im going to die."

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Then we see a pink sea horse looking boat come down the chocolate River. Oompa Loompas paddling the boat of course. Then they start giggling.
"Whats so funny?" Violet asks. Obviously thinking exactly what I'm thinking.
"I think its from all those doggone cocoa beans. Hey, by the way, did you guys know that chocolate contains a property that triggers the release of endorphins, which gives one the feeling of being in love." Mr Wonka says and stares at me during the last part.
"I think Mr Wonka likes you." Charlie whispers to me.
"I hope so because otherwise this is just another celebrity crush." I whisper back.
Mrs Beauregarde gives me a dirty look as Wonka stares at me but quickly changes her gaze the owner of the factory himself and says in a seductive way. "You don't say."
Mr Wonka gives the woman a disgusted look before shouting and nervously laughing. "All aboard."

I lift Charlie over the edge of the boat to get him on. I'm the last one to get on. Mr Wonka holds out hand so I grab onto it and he helps me onto the boat.
"Thanks." I whisper sitting down next to Charlie.
"Dont worry about it, my dear." Mr Wonka says sitting next to me at the back of the boat.
"Onward." Mr Wonka says before the boat starts.
"Is this a good time to say I dont like boats." I say to Charlie as I laugh nervously. Mr Wonka obviously hears me as he grabs onto my hand.
"Dont worry, my dear, I won't let anything happen to you." He says.
"I better be making a good choice trusting you Wonka." I say.
"Cassie doesn't trust very easily but since she has a massive crush on you, its alright." Charlie whispers to Wonka.
"You know, Charlie, im starting to really dislike you today." I say in a jokey way.
"Charlie, dont tell your sister but I really like her too." Wonka whispers but says this over the top of me so I heard every word.
"What arent we telling Charlie's sister?" I whisper. Scaring both the boys.

Wonka then grabs this ladle, fills it with chocolate from the river and hands it to me.
"Here, try some of this it will do you good. You look starved to death." I take a sip of the chocolate which is quite warm surprisingly. I don't moan at the chocolate like I've seen some other people do because that's weird. I gesture to hand it to Charlie and he nods. Charlie takes a sip too and says "its great."
Wonka nods already knowing this information. "Thats because its mixed by waterfall. The waterfall is most important. It mixes up the chocolate- churns it up, makes it light and frothy. And by the way no other factory in the world-" I was enjoying listening to Wonka talk about something hes so passionate about but little miss Veruca here can't seem to keep her mouth shut.
"You already said that." Veruca interrupts.
Wonka seems quite awkward when she says that.
"Dont worry, she's just a brat." I whisper and braveness washes through me as I kiss his cheek.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck." I whisper to myself very quietly so no one can here. Wonka looks at me thankfully though.

"Your all quite short, arent you?" Wonka says almost mocking the children.
"Well, yeah, we're children." Violet states looking around at the other children. "Except for the woman sitting next to you, she's just short."
I dramatically hold my hand over my heart. "Violet, what made you have to make such a harsh comment, hurting my heart." I say jokingly. She laughs slightly before her mother stares at her to stop.
"Being children is no excuse. I was never as short as you." Wonka states proudly.
"You were once." Mike states being the smart ass he is.
"Was not." Is Wonka seriously going to defend himself to this 11 year old. "You wanna know why? Because I distinctly remember putting a hat on my head. Look at your short little arms; you could never reach."
"Do you even remember what it was like being a kid?" Charlie asks getting defensive that he was a kid.

Mr Wonka then spaces out muttering a few things.
"Maybe be careful what questions you ask." I say to Charlie.
"Sorry, Cassie, I didn't mean to upset Mr Wonka."
"Its alright, you didn't know."
"Mr Wonka." I whisper in his ear. I then kiss his gloved hand. That brought him back to reality. "Hi, have a good time away from reality?"
"It was quite lovely, my dear."
"Bring me along next time?"
"Of course." We just stare into each others eyes. Like what you find on wattpad. Cliche romance. We never tell Mrs Bucket the type of stuff I have read on wattpad.
"Mr Wonka, Mr Wonka! We're headed for a tunnel." Charlie says snapping me and Wonka out of our stare off sorta thing.
"Oh yeah, full speed ahead."

The boat goes into pitch black tunnel.
"Shit, fuck, im going to die." I whisper quite panicked. I grab onto Charlie's hand to make sure he is safe. "Charlie are you alright."
"Cassie, breathe, its okay. Im okay. I promise." Charlie says in a hushed, calming tone.
Wonka puts his arm around my shoulders pulling me to his side.
"Dont worry, my dear, I've got you."
I focus on breathing. I tuck my head into Wonka's neck, smelling the calming scent of chocolate which I'm not even suprised he has.

"How can they even see where they are going?" Violet asks.
"They cant. There's no knowing where we are going." At this comment off Wonka I tuck my head into his neck further and grab Charlie's hand tighter. I'm not usually a scared person but boats and the dark terrify me. I'm not used to either. Seeing as I've been on a boat once and im used to light being in my house.
Wonka noticing my state says "switch on the lights."
"Oh thank god."
"See, Cassie, its all good." Charlie says.
"Are you alright?" Wonka asks looking at me in panic.
"Yep, im all good." I say pretending I didnt do anything I just did. Wonka kisses the top of my head, it was comforting. Not something I expected but happily accepted.

"People. Keep an eye out, we're passing some very important rooms here. On your left, you'll see clotted cream, coffee cream, hair cream-" he speaks and gets cut off by Mrs bitch Beauregarde.
"What do you use hair cream for?" She asks in a flirtatious tone.
"To lock in moisture."
"What do you use hair cream for is the concerning question? If you dont know what he uses it for." I say quite concerned.
"Mother uses hair dye and conditioner. She doesn't have hair cream." Violet says.
"Anyway and behind this door, unmarked due to renovations."
We then see cows being whipped. I give Wonka the most disgusted and sad look.
"My dear, they are fake cows." He whispers to me noticing my look.
"Whipped cream?" Charlie says happily guessing the right answer.
"That doesn't make any sense." Veruca says.
"For your information, little girl, whipped cream isn't whipped cream at all unless its been whipped by whips! Everybody knows that." After a few seconds Wonka speaks again. "Stop the boat. I want to show you guys something. This is the Inventing Room."

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