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Seokjin has interests in very few countable things

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Seokjin has interests in very few countable things. 

Art isn't one of them.

Today he woke up with a heavy intent to go visit an art gallery. 

The universe wanted him to.

So he did.

He woke up, it was dark outside, the sound of the city was heard through the open window, he  checked the time it was 9:20 P.M. The art gallery closes by 10:00 P.M.

He still had time, he could make it.

When he entered the art gallery, he still couldn't understand why he wanted to come here. He could hear a voice through the speakers, 

"The Art Gallery closes in 15 minutes"

He sighs. He knows that he is looking for something, but he doesn't know what exactly he is looking for.

He closes his eyes and let the energy draw him to a certain corner. When he opens his eyes, he's faced with a beautiful painting. 

The calm and neutral expression that he always carries in his face, faded. It was replaced with agony and confusion.

There he saw a painting of a man standing in front of a palace on fire. The man's  face was smudged with ash. 

Anyone who looks at this painting  would think it's normal. Their minds would think of this art style, the colour palette...but for Seokjin he can't help but think about the great tragedy that happened 4000 years ago.

The fall of the Great Jusan Kingdom.

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