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Jungkook puts out the candle and climbs into his bed. He tosses and turns and he feels how uncomfortable it is, despite his bed being being made out of the best cotton and silk.  It does not compare to the ground of the garden, with Taehyung in his arms.

He wishes he could run to his lover right now, but since the King's away, Jungkook cannot risk stepping out of the Kingdom, he is the one in power right now. It would be irresponsible of him to leave the palace. 

He thinks of Taehyung and slowly slips into deep slumber. 


Two images.

Two swords, pericing two different bodies. One on fire. 

'Jungkoook' an echo of a voice, sends chills down his spine. He looks around, he stands in a pitch black room filled with black dark water. 

He feels alone and lonely. He sees his reflection on the water. The water moves and a lady walks out.

'Agathia' Jungkook whispers.

'It's coming for you!" she looks pleased.


'The ones who dared touch my descendants..it's coming for them' her voice is cold.

'I don't understand' 

She steps closer. Jungkook sees the fire in her eyes, she touches him. 'your turn'

Jungkook screams!

He wakes up, cold sweat drenching his back and forehead. He looks at the window by which the candle was placed, his head throbs and the candle lights up. 

It burns brighter than ever. Jungkook widens his eyes, he remembers putting out the candle, how is it burning? He squints his eyes, the light of the candle dimnishes, it sways in the air, despite the window being closed. His eyes widen at that and the flame rises again.

"What is happening?"

He almost got a heart attack when he heard 3 knocks on the door, "Prince are you awake? It's me Yoongi?"

Jungkook regulates his breathing and he calms himself, the candle stops burning. He sighs, "yes, come in"

Jungkook hadn't spoken to Yoongi since the incident in the courtroom.

Yoongi walked in hesitantly, his eyes focused on the ground, "Are you still mad at me? " 

"no hyung...just disappointed that you did that. You shouldn't have to kneel down to someone like him" Jungkook says, his voice still trembling from the dream.

"I had to do it, if not then he would have defintely made the matters worse,I'm sorry"

"It's okay, don't apologize"'

Yoongi looks up to meet Jungkook's eyes, " Prince--Jungkook? is something wrong? you look like you have seen a ghost"

"um--no--yeah..I'm fine..just a bad dream"

"okay then...go back to your sleep, I will take my leave" Yoongi turns around.

Jungkook doesn't want to be left alone, he is scared and feels pathetic to admit it. "hyung--" he calls out, his voice broken and hoarse.

Yoongi turns around, eyes filled with concern, "hey..are you really alright? do you want to talk about it?"

Jungkook debates if he should tell Yoongi about what happened. As much he is scared about the dreams, and about the candle flame he is also scared about what Yoongi would think, what he would do. 

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