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Jungkook's POV:
I don't know why but I keep getting awkward around him.I notice him more;might be because of his handsomeness and nothing else.But back in the days,when I used to hold his small soft hands,I had no problem at all.But now,it feels really weird.His crescent eyes while smiling,his plumpy pink lips,his smooth yet soft cheeks,his height is a big turn on.Whenever he's around me I feel really weird.The names I call him feels funny on the outside but it feels so cute for no reason.We are childhood friends actually;born in the same town and moved to Seoul together.What's wrong with me?Am I in  love?(boi you are in lOvE)

End of Jungkook's POV

Jimin's POV:
He teases me by many different things to make me irritated which I don't like but internally,it gives me butterflies in the stomach.Whenever I get a chance,I stare at him;observing his face structure.His brown doe eyes,his smooth nose,thin but rose pink lips which I want to kiss,his soft cheeks,the scar he got when he was a baby and especially when we calls me Jimin-ssiiiiiii,never fails to turn me on.If I make eye-contact with him,the heat rises up to my cheeks.Do I love him?(yUp)

End of Jimin's POV

Author-nim's POV:
Jungkook decided to talk about his crush to Cheong Bom,his best friend.They met when they both were fighting for the last piece of chocolate cake in 1st grade.In the end,the cake was eaten by both the angry toddlers with a cute pout on both faces.Since then,their relationship is more like siblings not friends;constant fights over chocolate cakes,pretty stationary,cool toys and more.Jungkook called her."Hey
Springroll!!""What the heck do you want Muscle pig?"she replied with her morning voice."I wanna talk to you about something important.""I'm impressed.""Huh?What happened?""Finally you grew up.""What?""You have realized that you are a mature man now as you want to talk about something important.""Whatever gets you going.Anyways,you and me ALONE don't bring your annoying pest with you this time.""Yah!!That's my boyfriend!!"Whatever,reach the park by 11.You have 2 hours for your makeup."And with that he cut the call.He went and freshened up as he wanted to look presentable and not like he just walked out of his messy bedroom cuddling his pearl-white puppy,Gureum.He checked the time and saw that there was still 1 1/2 hour left so Jungkook played Overwatch.Later,he went to the park.
(The park):

"Hey Muscle pig

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"Hey Muscle pig.""Hi Springroll!!Good morning!!""What important thing did you call me for?""It's...uh...really important to tell you this but...""But what?Wait...Dont you dare tell me that you finished my chocolate cake from the bakery.""Yeah I finished your chocolate cake.Anyways, I'm gay.""Y-You are?""Yeah and I have this cru-""Let's sit on the bench and I'll get you something to drink,okay?""K."And with that Bom left to go to the nearby store to buy some drinks.5 minutes later,the short girl came running over to Jungkook and threw his drink at him.She too began drinking her milk.
(The drinks):

Jungkook told her the truth

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Jungkook told her the truth."So you're telling me that you are gay and have a crush on your hyung but you're still doubting your feelings?"he nodded.Bom sighed and stood up from her seat of the wooden bench."Tell your crush how you feel about him and if he accepts your feelings and tells his feelings about you too,I would like my payment for being your cupid in strawberry milk please."Jungkook chuckled and replied,"Sure thing Springroll."And they started playfully fighting about their nicknames kept by each other.

Little did they know,someone was watching them with jealousy raging in his eyes.
Incase you're wondering why Jungkook's friend,Cheong Bom is called "Springroll",It's because Bom means springtime in Korean and she is short so...
She's called Springroll 🙃🙂

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