Hey Hey! That's Not Yours!

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After class, Joseph went to the school clinic to visit Aesop. He was worried that he did harm onto him eventhough this is the first day of school. As he entered, Aesop was lying down flat on his back.

"Hey Aesop.. I'm sorry if I caused any harm onto you." His ears twitched when he heard his voice and grabbed his hand. "Nono, it's ok" and used it to pull himself up. "Let's get ready for class?" The nurse told Aesop to cool down on the "meds" he has been taking. Aesop nodded and went out the room.

"What is our next class anyway?" Joseph asked. "History and I hate it so much.." Aesop groaned when he said this. "It isnt THAT bad, Carl. You learn from it. Ok how about this, since you hate history, might as well grab a study partner huh?" Joseph smiled. "See you in class." Then he went away without saying another word.

Aesop's eyes were locked on him alone. He is perfect. He thought to himself and went to grab his books from the locker. I wonder where did he get his personality.

As he headed into class, someone bumped into him and made him dropped his books. "Ow.. s-sorry. Here let me help." That person helped Aesop pick up his books. "Thank you." When they lifted their heads to look at each other, he then realized who it was. "Emily?" "Oh hey Aesop. Nice to meet you."

"Arent you suppose to be heading to class right now?"

"Yeah shoot, forgotten- thanks for reminding me. I'll catch up. You go on first!"

They waved at each other and he headed to class. Their history teacher was Mr. John. He was strict on his students' punctuality. Aesop was 5 minutes late. His voice then boomed the whole class.

"Mr. Carl, may I know why you are late?"

"Had to visit the nurse."

"Where's your form from the nurse?"

Aesop panicked. He has totally forgotten to grab the form from the nurse. Suddenly Joseph stood up. "Teacher, let him go. He has some issues with his health. Please dont make this a bigger problem than it already is." Mr. John understood and asked him to take his seat.

Aesop whispered "Thank you Joseph. I froze when i forgotten" Joseph then pat his head. "No problem" He blushed hard. His face stayed cherry red for the whole lesson. Omai why did he do that??

After a couple of lessons they had, it was break. Joseph went with his friends while Aesop went with his. Surprisingly, they asked them the same question. "What is going on with the both of you?"

Jack asked first. "Nothing really. I felt bad that no one stood up for him. Not even Eli." He responded while sighing. "You know, this can be a good example for our social studies project. Teacher asked us to bond with a survivor and you already did." Xie said with confidence. "Who knew you had it in you. Middle school was even harder since they seperated us" Fan responded.

"I dont know. If I had a liking for him, I might not be able to focus in class." Then the school beauty, Mary, walked by with two of her friends, Michiko and Galetea. "Hey Joseph." Joseph turned around to see who it is. As he turned, Mary's face was quite close to his. "Woah, move further away Mary. You are really close to me." "Aww just dropping by to see the prince of the school. Why? Is it against the rules?"

"No.. Look if you are still trying to win me over, I can tell you one thing"

"And that is?"

"It is never gonna happen ok?" Then he took his tray and walked away with a gus of his cologue in the air. Mary smelled it and said, "He is playing hard to get huh?"

"Yeah dont keep this up Mary, he clearly has no interest in you." Hastur said. She then took her mirror shard and pointed it to his neck. "What did you just say?" She was ready to stab the shard into his throat but Jack stopped her.

"Mary, since middle school, he has no interest in anyone. The closest you are gonna get is 'friend'." Jack said while resisting her arm. "Honestly he has been getting along with this one survivor." Fan added. "Who?"

"Aesop Carl"
"Oh him?" Mary said with a smirk. "He will NEVER win Joseph over before me. I will get anything since I am the beauty of this school." She then glanced at the survivors' table. "Just look at him. You think such a gentle and timid guy can steal his heart?!" Mary walked over to there and talked to Aesop. "Hey Aesop! Come here"

He walked over to her and she whispered into his ear. "I'm guessing you are into Joseph? Yeah you will never win over, not with me in the way"

Aesop's body froze. What do you mean I'll never win Joseph over? He's mine! "Also dont sit next to him in the next lesson. That seat is mine!" He grew a rage.

"HEY HEY! HE ISNT YOURS!" Then immediately covered his mouth and ran away. Eli stood up and splashed water at her. "Look at what you have done! Aesop hasnt even finished his food and you made him run!"

"Sheesh. Like it is my problem" Mary rolled her eyes and walked away with her friends. "I'll go find him" said William. The rest went back to finish their food before the bell rang.

In one corner of the room stood Joseph. He just went to lean on the wall outside the cafeteria and came back in to see the commotion. Little Carl likes me huh? Let's see what you would do to win me over.

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