Lovebirds being Born

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A few weeks has passed, the hunters and survivors became closer than they are in middle school. They dont mind their indifferences and hung out as often as they could. Unfortunately they have their Mid-Semester next week.

"Hey Aesop what are you doing?" Eli asked. Aesop was studying in the library, alone. Eli just came in a few minutes later than he did. "Just studying for the semester. It is around the corner and I want to ace to get into Arts." "You know, this isnt the only way to get into Arts.." He then sat beside him. "Look at me~" Aesop then turn his head towards Eli. "Stop distracting me. I need these results to be good so-" Before he could even finish, Eli leaned his head towards Aesop's and suddenly kissed him. Aesop realized and pushed him away.

"ELI! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU??" Aesop grew a rage. Eli didnt flinch, he just looked at Aesop with a cheeky face. He then knows what happened. "Oh god, dont tell me-" Eli threw himself onto him and pinned him on the floor. He tried to escape but no avail. Right on time, Joseph burst into into the library. He saw everything.

Aesop saw Joseph entered when he is in this position. "Wait Joseph! Please.." He stood still for a few seconds and rushed to help him. "Eli move!" He pushed Eli to the side and picked Aesop up. "No one touches Carl, except ME"

It was around 8pm when Joseph drove him home. "Thank you for helping me. I didnt know what to do.." his voice trailed off. "Here is your stuff." He passed him a backpack and kissed his forehead. "You dont have to worry anymore Aesop, I'm here for you." "Wait so does that mean-"

He stopped the car and looked at him. "Yes I mean it. Dont you wanna be mine?" Aesop's face became red as a tomato and nodded. Joseph smiled continued driving him home.

The next day,
As per normal, everyone in arrived on time for class. Andrew was on the way to class when he bumped into Luca.

"Oww.." "Owh, sorry there I was busy working on my invention!" He looked up and saw the cute boy. His face immediately turned red and hid it. Oh my gawd, did I just bump into him?! He will hate me! Luca extended out his hand to help Andrew. "Hey! My name's Luca. What's yours?" Luca has short-term memory loss since the accident he had. He could only remember people who he value in his life. "A-Andrew! M-My name's Andrew" He shook his hand. "Nice to meet you! Wanna head to class together?" He gripped his hand tighter. "Y-Yes! Please.." Luca gave him a bright smile and they walked together to class.

Victor was with Edgar, painting. Luca waved at them. "Victor! Edgar!" and sat beside them. "Did Luca call you by your name, Andy?" "N-No? Why?" Edgar rolled his eyes and sighed. "He had an accident while working on his inventions which caused him partial short-term memory loss" "It seems that he could only remember those who he value in his life." H-Huh?! Does he not value me? At all?? Andrew still hasnt let go of his hand. "L-Luca, do you not remember who I am?" Luca turned to him. "Not really.. have we met before?"

We were friends since kindergarden. We have supported each other till now and he says he cant remember me. He burst into tears and ran to the washroom. "Well we have to go check on him" "You go I am lazy.." Victor then pulled his shirt. "You are coming with me!" He pulled Luca's one too. "You too! You are gonna bring him back to his senses!"

Naib saw everything and looked at Eli. "Hey hey Eli! You ok?" He shook his head. "Yeah I am ok. Why?" "Cuz you have been looking at someone for the past 15 minutes!" "Who now?" Naib pointed directly to Hastur. "Him." "NO I AM NOT! I mean just for a while.." "What do you mean just for a while?! I tried calling you but you completely spaced out! I even tried to ask Aesop to help me ask Hastur whether he likes you." Eli grabbed Naib tightly. "BUT WHYYYY I AM NOT READY YET!"

But too late, Aesop is already over there, asking the question Naib told him to ask. He came back to the table with some news. "Yeah, I already asked. He said-" Eli quickly shut his mouth. "Nonononono, shut up Aesop!" "I'll tell you because of what you did to me last night" He became more tensed. "Okok, fine" "He says he'll ask you out soon" Eli fainted on the spot.

"Emily!" She quickly rushed to him. "What's wrong?" "Eli's turning pale." "Oh no, take him to the nurse right now! He has low amount of sugar in his body. Perhaps by the lack of food" Hastur stood up and said "I'll take him. Unless you guys wanna do it" They exchanged glances and shook their heads. He picked up Eli and took him to the nurse. "Oh damn, Eli is gonna be so shocked when he realised when he sees the person carrying him." The rest agreed and laughed.

The teacher then came in and the lesson started.

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