I am Gonna Get Her This Time! (or not)

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Their English class just finished. Naib and Eli darted out from the classroom and headed to cafeteria. Aesop was the last one to leave the room as he left together with Joseph. He tugged onto his shirt and said "Hey can I ask you something?" "Yeah sure dear~" Joseph replied with a smile on his face. Aesop's face became red and said "So Michiko asked me to help her win over Mary..and- and- um I dont know how to do it.." He looked down and looked back up to his locker. "Huh.. win over Mary,, pretty sure if I helped out she would think that I am into her and start screaming" Joseph looked at Aesop with disconcerning eyes. "But hey, I'll still help you.. anyways wanna head to my place after school?" He nodded and gave his sweetest smile. Joseph's face turned really red and thought Is this how I fell for this boy?

"Oh.. what am I suppose to do?? I asked Aesop for help but he isnt here yet.." Aesop suddenly ran over to her. "Hey Michi! Sorry.. I was just putting down my books. Anyways ready?" Michiko nodded. "Oh by the way, I brought Joseph to help out cuz I am not really an expert on this love thing.." Joseph waved at her. "Hi Michi, dont attack me when Mary comes forth, screaming and all that.. I dont wanna cause a scene" "Okok, I'll try.."

Then Aesop thought of an idea. "Oh hey, I know what to do! I mean Joseph and I always go to the nearby cafe to hang out and study. The atmosphere is aesthetic and calming. It'll sure do the trick. Also dont worry, Joseph will be the one asking her." "H-Huh?! Babe, are you sure? Wont y-" Before Joseph could even finish, Mary ran up to him, screaming. "JOSEPHHH WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN MY DARLING??" she said as she hugged him. He pushed her away. "Ok, slow down Mary. I was wondering if you'd like to come with me to the nearby cafe to study for our exam which is around the corner.." Her eyes lit up. "OH YES YES YES!! FINALLY YOU ARE ASKING ME OUT!" She tugged onto his shirt. "Ohhh you are gonna be a great husband and dad to our future kids!" Joseph got freaked out by her and pulled Michiko and Aesop to another side.

"Jesus that got me scared. Aesop, please I dont wanna do this.." Aesop looked at him with puppy eyes. "Just for Michiko pleasee??" Joseph sighed and said, "Alright fine, you know I cant ignore those eyes of yours~" "Ok Michi? Michi??" The atmosphere around her was dark and weary. She was transforming into her demon-self. "Woah Michiko, cool down! I swear I really dont like Mary no matter how much she tries to catch my attention. I already have eyes on this boy right here!" He hugged Aesop as he said that. Then Michiko suddenly turned normal. "Ugh.. huh? What happened?" "You werent yourself for a minute.." She then shook her head. "Oh noooo" She turned and ran. "I'll meet you at the cafe! Dont worry!" She shouted as she ran to the washroom.

"So you hungry? We still have another 30 minutes till our next class." Aesop held his hand and pulled him to the cafeteria. "I havent eaten since morning.." As he ordered the food he wanted, Joseph was looking around the area. There he spotted Jack and Hastur eating with someone. "Oh look Naib and Eli are already having the time of their lives hehe" "Huh? Oh,, they said they were excited so.. How about us then? Do you wanna sit down and eat? I bought food for the both of us" "Wait what? I wasnt really hungry tho.." Aesop looked at him with piercing eyes this time. "Aesop I-" "Eat it or else.." Joseph quickly nodded and Aesop's face turned bright again. Man I didnt expect him to look that scary.. Joseph thought to himself.

Eli was sitting beside Hastur who was busy eating his own food. He wondered when he can tell him how he really felt. Eli then took a breath in and quickly said, "HasturwouldyouliketobemyboyfriendcuzIreallylikeyou!" He looked at him, unreacted. "Huh? You said something??" Eli's heart broke. He didnt expect this reaction from him so he took his hoodie and ran out from the cafeteria. Naib and Jack were sitting at the opposite side of the table. "Hey Has, you know you dont have to give him that cold of a reaction.." Jack said. Naib then smacked his face and said, "Noooo whaat have you doneeee??? You have no idea how hard it is to calm him down! Literally the last time he was sad, he didnt come to school for days. AND I MEAN DAYS" Hastur sighed. "I purposely did that." Both of them got a shock. "Wait wait wait what do you mean 'purposely'?" "I already prepare to confess to him since last week. I didnt want him to do it."

Aesop and Joseph walked up to them. "Hey guys can we sit here? The rest of the tables are occupied.." They looked around and Aesop asked. "Where's Eli?" "This jackass did make him sad" Aesop slammed the tray onto the table. "You made Eli SAD??? YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW MUCH EFFORT I PUT INTO JUST TO MAKE HIM COME BACK TO SCHOOL?!" Jack then spoke up. "Hey hey take a breath. Hastur didnt mean it like that. He wanted to confess to Eli since last week." "I also prep 2 tickets to Japan for us to go during Summer Break" Hastur added. Joseph was holding onto Aesop because he was about to attack Hastur. "Look babe, I'll get us tickets to Disney if you want" Aesop cooled down and nodded. Since when this boy has such a savage nature- Joseph thought.

"We all have to get Eli to his senses. Let's do that after break." They all agreed and continued enjoying themselves.

Eli was in the classroom, thinking. Should I come to school tomorrow? Will they still talk to me?

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