You have returned..finally

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[continuation of the previous chapter]
...and he utter some words....

"Hey Mikey?" Mike turned his head to Norton. "Yeah what is it?" Should I really tell him though? It is worth the risk? Nahh I dont think so. But like I have been waiting for this moment to come... "Hey Nort? You okay over there? Your face went blank after calling me." Norton shook his head. "Yeah I am okay. Just thinking about homework." Mike then held his hand. "Well if you need anything, just give me a call and I'll be right over." His face grew redder and redder as Mike said each passing word.

"S-Sure! I-I uh.. will definitely call you hehe" Mike also giggled a little and turned back his attention to Margertha(this is female dancer btw).
Did he just stutter in front of me? He doesnt do really do that. His face was also red. Like tomato red. What does he think of me? Oh man if he really sputters his feelings right there, I might not know how to respond. I couldnt just friendzone him right? That's just wrong! It'll hurt his feelings deeply. I might or might not have feelings for him but- ugh I dont know.. How do I put this.. um "Thanks but I cant-" NO THAT'S NOT IT! THAT'S NOT HOW TO RESPOND TO A CONFESSION! THAT'S JUST DUMB!
Mike then stood up and banged the table. "Mike, are you ok? Do you need to use the restroom?" the teacher asked. He nodded and ran out of the classroom.

Aesop poked Norton from behind. "What's up with him? Did you confess your feelings?" "Um no. I mean I was about to but then I dont think it is the right time so I didnt.." Eli then leaned in to the convesation. "Look Nort, it isnt worth your time to keep him like this. You should, how do I put this, not show your feelings just like that. It'll make him nervous!" "Yeah you guys are right. I should hold it off for a bit" Then Norton turned back to face his table and continue writing his notes.

[End of previous Chap]

[Start of <You have returned..finally>]
It was the weekends. Emily, Emma, Kreacher and Freddy went to Rose Co. for breakfast. The line was pretty long but most people think it's worth the wait.

"Oh cmon! Everytime we come here the line is always this long. Why did we leave the house late huh?" Freddy complained while looking annoyed at Emma. "Oh dont mind her, Freddy. Hey you also took like 1 hour and a half just choosing the right damn tie for whatever reason you have." Emily looked at him sheepishly. "Look Em! It's our turn!" They made their orders and sat down.

"Here Em," Emma passed her a white rose. "It's for you! Because you took care of me when I was little" Emily blushed a little. "Aww thanks! I'll keep this for memory sake." Kreacher then stood up and said "Guys, I gotta use the restroom. Be back in a bit." The rest of them nodded and he left.
Right after, Servias came and sat on Kreacher's seat. "Hey! That's Kreacher's! Get off!" Emma said as she tried to 'swoosh' him away like a bird. "Oh dont worry. He wouldnt mind anyway. I bet you that he'll just not complain when he sees me" As if on cue, he came out and saw Servias on his seat.

His heartbeat was faster, he had butterflies in his stomach and his face felt hot.

"W-Why is he here? When did he arrived?" Servias saw him then looked at the rest with a pleased smile. The rest looked confused because to them Kreacher is always possessive of his things, even a pencil he wouldnt lend. But for Servias, it's a whole different story. "Hey Kreacher, how have you been? Havent seen you in forever. Do you miss me?" Servias went on a magician tour for the past month so that's why he wasnt in school. Kreacher didnt even hold back. He just ran to him, sat on his lap and hugged him. He didnt let go for the next 15 minutes.

"Perhaps you guys didnt even know I wasnt in school. I asked Joker (the new surv) to fill in for me. Also before I left for my tour, I told him about my feelings. So there you go. Get the whole picture now?" Emma and Emily nodded in awe while Freddy looked annoyed and rolled his eyes. "Psh who cares? It's not like I'll get anyone.." After a couple more minutes, the food arrived.

They left Rose Co. afterwards and went back home. They also invited Servias over to their house because Kreacher begged them to. He didnt let go of him eventhough they tried yanking him out.

Emma and Emily went upstairs to change as soon as they arrived home. Freddy just sat on the couch as if no one is around. Servias had to carry Kreacher upstairs for him to change and went back down.

"Hey Freddy, arent you gonna go change? The rest already went to clean themselves up." Freddy just scoffed and continue watching the TV. Emily was the first to come back down. "Give me a few minutes, Servias. I'll get us some tea." He nodded and saw Emma come down. She ran to him and sat beside him. "I just wanted to ask you, is this pretty? I want to make a flower crown for Emily. You know for confession purposes." Servias gave his opinion and Emma went into the kitchen, where Emily was. Lastly, Kreacher came down and ran to him to sit on his lap. "I missed you so much.. Why didnt you at least give me a call to tell me that you are back?" Servias smiled and said "I just wanted to surprise you with my arrival" "and it definitely worked" He then leaned in to kiss him.

"Ok tea is ready. Just dont drink it immediately. It's hot." Emily still went to the kitchen to get her personal first-aid kit after putting down the tea. Just then Ada and Emil came down the stairs. "Huh? We have guests?" Emma saw them and quickly explained. "Oh right yeah. Guys, meet Servias. Servias, Ada and Emil. They just here for the week because their house is having renovation." Ada walked to Servias while holding Emil's hand. "My my, what a fine patient. I am sure we can house another one. What you say, love?" "Emil approve! New friend!" Servias then shook his head. "Oh no no no. I am not here for a therapy. I am just her for a visit." "Eh? How do you know that I am a psychologist?" Servias examined her outfit and Emil's. "Your clothes says it all. You have 'panda eyes', ragged clothing and a whistle while your partner here has a patient outfit. Say, why do you need a whistle?" "Oh that? That's is for uses which I cant disclose."

[To be continued...]

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