Was it a dream? and an Unexpected Meet-up

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(The dream started from Lovebirds being born. Everything you see from there till here is Aesop's Imagination. Apart from Luca's incident of course. This chapter has 2 parts, Was it a dream? and An Unexpected Meet-up)
Aesop~ Aesop!
Someone was calling him.
Aesop! Aesop!
There it is again.

He woke up to the words and saw Naib and Eli at his bedside.
"Ugh.. oh hey guys.. what are you doing here?" "We are here cuz you werent at school yesterday so we thought we'd stop by." Aesop sat up and hugged them. "Thank you for coming- wait where's.." Eli cut him off. "Oh you mean your lover boy?" Aesop blushed. "N-No! I-I mean.." "We found him at the cafe near our school every now and then." said Naib. "We can go there now if you'd like" Eli added. Aesop nodded and told his friends to wait outside in the living room while he gets changed.

After a while, Aesop came out wearing a white turtleneck sweater with an aesthetic-looking necklace. He is also wearing a pair of jeans while carrying some books. "You look good Aesop! What's the occation?" Eli spoke up. "Is it to impress that guy of yours?" Naib added. Aesop covered his face with the sweater and shook his head. "Alright then. Let's go" Why does it seem like the events that happened feel so real? Was that my imagination?
(Was it a dream? stops here)

(An Unexpected Meet-up starts here till finish)
All three of them got onto the bus and headed to the cafe. "I sure hope I meet him.." Aesop mumbled to himself. "Huh? Did you say something?" Naib responded. "N-No! Nothing!" "Hey, it's gonna be alright. Anyways, we are here." They got off and Aesop started scanning the area. No, he isnt here..

"Huh he isnt here yet. Wanna get a morning coffee?" Eli suggested. As they are waiting in line, someone tapped Naib's shoulder. As a mercenary in-training, his instinct popped right out! "WHO IS THERE??" "It's Jack, Naib.." Naib looked onto the floor and saw him. He blushed and helped him up. "I-I can e-explain!" said Naib in panic. "No no it's fine. Judging by your moves, I would say you are in mercenary training." "O-Oh..uhh that's a good guess.. anyways are you here by yourself or?" "No, I am here with Hastur and Joseph. I wanted to invite Fan and Xie along but I guess they had other plans." Aesop's ears perked up went he heard his crush's name. "Oh crap he is here!" Eli then grabbed his sweater. "Mine's here too.." "Hey, you wanna know why I didnt attend school yesterday?" He shook his head. "Well, I had this crazy dream. You wanna hear them?" "Wait huh? so you are saying you slept the whole day?? But how?!" "I have my ways, so you wanna hear them or not?" Eli nodded and Aesop started tell him about the dream he had while waiting in line. In the middle of the dream, Naib tapped both their shoulders.

"Ok so uh I am gonna sit with Jack by ourselves. Are you guys ok with each other?" Both of them are in a daze then Naib came up with a weird line to say. "AESOP YOUR LOVER BOY IS HERE! ELI YOURS TOO!" This caught the attention of the four of them to look at each other. "Well that's settled, I hope yall get along" Man how am I in love with this guy?? Jack thought to himself. Joseph and Hastur both walked up to them. "Hey both of you, what did Jack's lil boy mean by 'lover boy'?" Joseph asked. "ummmmm uhhhh.." Aesop is having a bad meltdown. "H-He didnt mean a-anything- he was just joking ehehe.. Coffee?" said Eli. He hurriedly ordered their coffee and took their own to their seats.

"I- I-.." Aesop stammered. "Hey hey is ok. I am sure they will seat somewhere else. Unfortnately for them, both hunters came to their table and sat down. Aesop blushed even harder and hit his face under his turtleneck. "Wait why are you guys here?" Eli asked. "Before heading off with the guy, Jack told us to get to know you better since we arent on the best of terms.." said Hastur. "Do u even know his name?" Both of them said no. "We really arent on the best of terms.. anyways I'll start! My name's Eli and this is my friend, Aesop. The guy you keep talking about, that's Naib." Aesop stick out his hand and said "N-Nice t-to meet y-you.." Joseph went ahead and shake his hand. "Nice to meet you too~" Aesop suddenly stood up and said "Oh my god i cant take it anymore. I like you ok Joseph since the first day we met." He picked up his books, took his coffee and ran out of the cafe. "Oh crap did you do anything? He isnt like this with anyone" Eli asked. "No? I dont think I said or did anything wrong-" replied Joseph. "But huh, hearing someone confess like this is my first time." "Dont you get confession from many other girls?" Hastur chimed. "Yeah I do but not as sincere as his.. most girls i hear from just wants me for my fame and money." "Wait you are rich?!" "Yeah.. both my parents are famous entrepreneurs. They both give talks and advices to those who are interested in choosing this pathway." Eli then stood up. "I guess if both of them came out already, then there's no use in hiding anymore huh?" "What do you mean Eli?" Joseph asked. "*sighs* I like you, Hastur. I forgotten when but it felt like forever." Hastur then stood up and walked away. Did I just get friendzoned? Oh sh- Joseph then snapped him out. "Hey it's gonna be ok. By the way is there any possible way I could visit Aesop? I didnt manage to say anything." Eli nodded and said "Thank you for reassuring me and yes I'll take you to Aesop's but it has to be tommorrow. Since he has a meltdown, he doesnt like people visiting him unless he invites them to." Joseph nodded. "Hey looks like we are the only ones left at this table. Wanna head to Jack and Naib's?"

Both of them took their coffee and headed to their friends' table. Naib saw them coming. "Hey where is Aesop and the octopus guy?" "First, that octopus guy is Hastur and Aesop ran off after confessing his feelings to Joseph." Eli replied. "Look I didnt do anything wrong. Eli here said that Aesop had a bad meltdown." Joseph added. "Ahh I see so why are you guys here??" "We just decided to join you guys.. Is that a problem?" "Nono it's fine. Just seat wherever you like." The four of them talked all morning till it was already 2pm.

"Looks like it is closing time for the cafe. We should head back." Jack said. "How is it closing time?" said Eli. "Oh what i mean is their halfday closing time. They will reopen later at 4." "Ohh, anyways since tommorrow is still our break, wanna hang out? I'll try to convince Aesop. The meltdown looked pretty bad so his thoughts will only be on studying and embalming. Hey Joseph you should come along too" "I am ok with it. Jack, you wanna join?" Naib tugged his shirt. "Please say you'll go~" Jack nodded. "Great! Let's meet at our school compound I'll pick you guys up except for Joseph. I'll need you to pick Aesop up." The rest agreed and left the cafe.

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