Hang out time!

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"无咎,我们要走了!等一下会此道的!" said Xie hurriedly. "我还没有好!有很多东西做leh。。" complained Fan. "我们的朋友还等着!他们已经在楼下等我们了!" "好啦好啦。我们先走。。" 忙死我了

In English,
"Wujiu, we have to go already! Later we'll be late!" said Xie hurriedly. "I am not done yet! Still got a lot of things to do.." complained Fan. "Our friends are waiting! They are already downstairs waiting for us!" "Okok. We'll go first.." I am so busy.

"Where are they? We have been waiting here since forever!" Joseph complaint. "Give them time. Anyways they just finished they exams not too long ago." Hastur said. "What exam? If they had exams, dont we too have them?" "Nono, they are a special case since they are international students, they can take their exams earlier or later, depending on them." "Heyy that aint fair!"

Right on time, both Xie and Fan came downstairs from their rooms. "Sorry guys, Fan is kinda noisy about the exam we took just last week. He has been keeping himself busy everyday just to forget about it." Xie explained. "It's ok. Let's head out for breakfast! You guys know any delicious places? I'll drive." Jack said. "I do actually. I can guarantee you that you'll like it a lot." Fan said.

*Everyone got into the car and headed to the place where Fan described. "无咎,你就不是讲那个地方都不用去了。。为什么你现在要带我们的朋友去?" whispered Xie. "没关系,我知道。我的爸爸还在那里做工。他做的点心都是好吃的。" Fan whispered back.* "What are you guys talking about anyway? You two have been whispering since we left the house." Joseph said, looking at them suspiciously. "Oh nothing! Just something related to studies." Xie covered.

*In English,
Everyone got into the car and headed to the place where Fan described. "Wujiu, didnt you say that we dont have to go to that place anymore.. why are you bringing our friends there now?" whispered Xie. "It's ok, I know. My dad still works there. The dimsum he makes is delicious." Fan whispered back.*

After a few minutes of driving, they have arrived. "Ok here we are. Let's get down." Fan said. All of them got off the car and entered the restuarant. "Woah, this place is busy! Are you sure there's space?" Jack said in awe. "Yeah yeah, follow me." Fan motioned them to follow him to a table near the window. "Here's our table." "The design on it is beautiful though. Lemme take a pic" Joseph said while pulling out his handphone. They sat down and the waiter take their order. "By the way, this place is self-service, just head to one of the waiters who are pushing the carts and pick whatever you want." The rest are amazed and went to take some dimsums to the table.

"I am so boredddd, can we just do something? like literally A N Y T H I N G" Emma said while whining. "We can go out or finish the homework from school." Emily said while carrying two cups of tea. "NO NO NO YOU WONT MAKE ME! FREDDYYYY HELP ME FINISH MY HOMEWORK!" she shouted. Freddy was in his room, reading books which he borrowed from the school library. "EMMA FINISH IT OFF YOURSELF. LITERALLY HALF YOUR WORK IS DONE BY ME!" Freddy shouted back. "What's with all the shouting? I am still sleeping.." Kreacher said while looking down from the bunk bed. Freddy looked up, rolled his eyes and went out. Sheesh chilly.. thought Kreacher as he came down from the bed.

When he came down the stairs, he saw Emily and Emma watching a movie and Freddy making himself a cup of coffee. "Morning sleepypants" teased Freddy. "Morning noisypants" Kreacher teased back. Emma saw the both of them arguing in the kitchen and yelled. "BOTH OF YOU SHUT UP! Just come and join me and Emily for the movie." Both of them quiet down and walked to the living room. That's when the doorbell rang. "Who is it?" Emily shrugged and opened the door. "Hey Emmy! I was wondering if we could join you guys for a bit. Edgar and Victor came over cuz Luca invited them to. Emil is here too" Ada said. "H-Hi..Emily" Emil said timidly. "Sure! Come in!" Ada and Emil entered the house and made themselves at home.

After breakfast, the five of them went to the mall to do some shopping. "Man this is nice. The restuarant really was packed." Hastur said when taking a deep breathe. They went shopping for drinks, home items and electronics. Till one of them realised that Fan and Xie werent with them. "Wait where did they go? Werent they with us?" Joseph said. "I have no idea. Welp I gotta go to the washroom. Wait right here." Jack said as he left.
As he entered the washroom, he heard some weird noises coming from one of the cubicles. He stealthly approached it and swing open the door. "Whaaat are you guys doing here?" Jack said, perplexed. "Uhh, hi?" Xie said. "Ok just let me use the washroom and later you two will have to explain yourselves to the others."

After a couple minutes, the three of them came out from the washroom. "de merde.* What were you guys doing in there?" Joseph said, in shock. "Uhh, we sort of made out in there.." Fan explained. "and Jack caught us so here we are ehehe.." "Okok let's just head home and pretend nothing awkward has happened." The rest of them agreed and they left the mall.

*de merde means tf. got it from google translate.

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