Chapter 4

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Addison's POV :
I took a deep breath and made my way out of the door while holding Avery on my hip and my family each side of me. I took my sweater and placed it by Avery's cheek so they couldn't see her face.

Paparazzi: hey Addison
Addison : uh hey guys *trying to walk to her parents Tesla*
Paparazzi: is that your daughter ?
Paparazzi: who's her father ?
Paparazzi: is she bryce's ?
Paparazzi: are you back on social media ?
Paparazzi: are you still friends with Bryce
Paparazzi: are you still in contact with hype and sway house ?
Addison : bye guys *gets in the car*

Sheri : uh well that was .... Crazy
Avery : Mommy who were all those people with cameras ?
Addison: paparazzi baby
Avery : what is paparati
Lucas : paparazzi is people that follow famous people around public places and takes photos/videos of them.
Avery : umm but why they taking pictures of mommy
Enzo : you seriously haven't told her addi
Addison : Enzo don't start
Enzo : does your child know anything about you
Addison : of course she does
Enzo : yeah well she doesn't know your famous
Avery : mommy's famous ?
Lucas : um yeah
Avery : why you not tell me mommy
Addison : because I wanted you to grow up like a normal child not being know cause your mother is famous
Enzo : you mean parents
Monty : Enzo stop it
Enzo : no she should know, *looks at Avery* your father is famous to
Addison : me and you will have a chat later
Enzo : yeah yeah
Sheri : Enzo stop, your sister has been back for 30mims and your already causing drama
Enzo : well I've always been told to tell the truth

The rest of the journey home was silent, not 1 person even made a sound.
All you could hear was the noise of the surrounding cars driving.
One we arrived I went into my bedroom and unpacked while I left Enzo, Lucas & Avery playing.
Of course what Enzo said upset me it's like he's defended Bryce over his own sister. He doesn't know the truth about how Bryce kicked me out and we had a massive argument and honestly I never told anyone, I just said that we decided to end things due to our work schedules and we didn't have time for each other. Thankfully they've always believed it.

Avery's POV :
So uncwl Enzo said if I ever wanted to know anything about my father he would tell me, I really wanted to know so I asked him.

Avery : *hey uncwl can you please tell me somethings about my daddy ?*
Enzo : of course follow me *goes to the movie room*
Avery : so can you tell me now
Enzo : what do you want to know
Avery : um evewything
Enzo : ok well your mom and dad met in 4 grade they always liked each other but didn't tell eachother, 9 grade they admitted their feelings to each other and they acted like a couple but wasn't officially dating. Once they graduated they became more distant until 3 years later you father sent your mom purple roses for her birthday and a long note. After that they started hanging out more, 1 year later your dad asked your mom to be his girlfriend and of course she said yes. 1 1/2 years (next part is not the truth but he doesn't know) your mom and dad decided to me friends cause they were both to busy for each other, 1 week later she found out she was pregnant with you, moved to nyc and yeah.
Avery : wow that's a long story
Enzo : yep
Avery : can you tell me some things about my dad know
Enzo : uh yeah sure so his name is Bryce Michael hall, he's 22, a famous boxer, he lives in house in la w his friends called sway
Avery : wait he lives in la
Enzo : umm yeah
Avery : maybe we could see him .
Enzo. No Avery that's a crazy idea
Avery : come on surely you want to see him
Enzo : I know but
Avery : but what I get to see my dad and you get to see ummm whatever he is to you.
Enzo : your mother will go crazy
Avery : so what
Enzo : I'll get the blame
Avery : I'll just tell her the truth
Enzo : which is ?
Avery : I just wanted to see my daddy

Addison's POV :
I got a notification and honestly I wasn't surprised



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Liked by Addison

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Liked by Addison.hall , montylopez and 287,391 others
Tiktokroom: #Addisonrae spotted leaving the airport with a little girl, is it her
daughter ?

Charlidamelio: privacy ?
Dixiedamelio: I hate paparazzi
Braddison.updates: wait is Bryce the father


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