Chapter 13

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-Next day-

I woke up at 9am, did my skincare, had a shower and got changed into

Addison I woke up at 9am, did my skincare, had a shower and got changed into

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Curled my hair and some my every day make up.
I walked pass Avery's room and heard her get out of bed
Avery: good morning mommy
Addison : goodmorning baby
Avery : me get weady
Addison : yeah come on then

She got dressed into

Addison :come on then let's go and have breakfastAvery : me have lucky charms Addison : of course *Picks her up and goes to the kitchen*

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Addison :come on then let's go and have breakfast
Avery : me have lucky charms
Addison : of course *Picks her up and goes to the kitchen*

Here's the kitchen

I made Avery lucky charms and made myself avocado in toast

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I made Avery lucky charms and made myself avocado in toast.
Addison : so how do you feel about sleeping over daddy's today
Avery : excited
Addison : you know you'll meet some of daddy's friends which will be your uncles
Avery : I met one of daddy's friend yestewday
Addison : which one
Avery : Josh
Addison : Josh is the tall funny one
Avery : yep
Addison : what if me, you and daddy do something together
Avery : yeah but no Lucas or Enzo
Addison : okay

-skip to 12am-
Bryce : *knocks on the door*
Addison : I'll get it *opens the door *
Bryce : hey adds
Addison : hey Bryce
Bryce : still looking like the hottest mother ever existed
Addison : *blushes* stopppp, Lucas Bryce is here
Lucas : okay coming *goes to the door*
Bryce : you ready ?
Lucas : yeah
Avery : *runs to the door* daddyyyy
Bryce : hey princess
Lucas : can we go now
Bryce : yeah let's go
Avery : wuv ew daddy
Bryce : love you too baby

Hey, I can't reply to comments with us REALLY annoying.
I've been really busy today, I hang out with my friends all day.
I'm going to be busy until Friday so I'll post small chapters. I'm sorry.
Also apparently Riley is going back home today cause she starts school soon. Please comment if it's true.
Love yall


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