Chapter 6

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I unbuckled Avery's car seat, placed her on my hip and then made my way to the entrance of dunkin, once we entered I saw charli and Dixie sitting opposite each other, within seconds they both run up to us and gave up as a massive hug

Dixie : I missed you so much !!
Addison : same
Charli : so are you going to show us our beautiful niece or what
Addison : oh yeah sorry, Avery this is auntie charli and Dixie
Avery : ooo I remember you, you was on the phone talking to me and mommy
Dixie : yeah
Charli : uhh you are so cute
Avery : *giggles* mommy me pwease have a dowut  *pouty face*
Addison : yeah of course
Charli : come here, I'll take you *addison passes Avery to charli*
Charli : do yall want anything *Avery's leaning her head in Charlie neck*
Addison : can you get me a ice coffee please *passes her $20*
Charli : yeah

Charli gets Addison a ice coffee and Avery a donut with sprinkles on it.

Charli: here you go *passes Addison her ice coffee and her change*
Addison : thanks char *talking to Avery* you tired baby?
Avery : yeah mommy
Addison : wanna to come to mommy ?
Avery : yes pwease
Charli : ok *passes her to Addison*


We was all talking about what's happened in each others lives now and the past, when all a sudden a tall man with black fluffy hair was ordering, he looked familiar until he turned around
My heart was beating so much it ached
There he was

To make things worse he started walking towards our table
Bryce : umm hey guys
Dixie : oh hey bryce
Soon as Avery heard the name Bryce her head shot up, she must of remember Enzo telling her, her fathers name was Bryce
Bryce : uh hey Addison
Addison : uhhh hey
He looked at Avery
Bryce : um anyways dixie, Noah wants to know if you are coming to sway later
Dixie : yeah sure
Bryce : ok see you later, bye guys
*walks away*
Addison: uhh well that wasn't awkward at all
Dixie : anyways, Addison I have a question for you
Addison : what is it
Dixie : so I was wondering if you would come on my show, the early late night show
Addison : yeah sure
Dixie : but we'll have to talk about you being back in la, your beautiful daughter, her father, Bryce and if your back on social media
Addison : um Dixie you know I can't tell them who's her father
Dixie : ok then just leave a hint
Addison : ok so what day you thinking ?
Dixie : whenever your free
Addison : umm tomorrow?
Dixie : yeah sure

Skip 45mins, they've left dunkin, Addison and Avery is in the car

Avery : mommy
Addison : yes baby
Avery : Bryce that auntie Dixie was talking to, is he my daddy
Addison : umm yes baby
Avery : wait really
Addison : uh yeah
Avery : he's very tall and looks scary
Addison : he's not scary at all, he would never hurt you
Avery : does he know about me
Addison : well he knows I was pregnant
Avery : oh ok

Today I went to dunkin and saw my ex girlfriend Addison Rae with a child, I then realised that child was probably our daughter, 4 years ago Addison told me she was pregnant and i got so angry I said some horrible words that I regret.
The child is so cute, she's a perfect mixture of both me and Addison.
I just hope soon I could be an actual father to her

We got home and I went straight to Enzo and he was in the games room alone

Avery : uncwl Enzo
Enzo : hey Avery
Avery : guess what
Enzo : what

Hey, how yall feeling about bryce's recent YouTube vid?
I'm always here for yall


Ur beautiful

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