Chapter 5

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3 days later ...

Addison's POV :
Today me and Avery is going to meet Dixie and Charlie at dunkin as they are finally going to meet Avery in person.
Avery facetimes the damelio sisters every day and has a long chat w them.
I was 10 mins away from dunkin and got a message from Dixie saying her and charli have arrived, I replied and told her I'm on my way.

Addison : so how do you feel about meeting auntie charli and Dixie
Avery : I'm so excited
Addison : I know you are baby
Avery : mommy ?
Addison : yes baby
Avery : will I even get to meet my daddy
Addison : ummm when your a big girl
Avery : but that's ages
Addison : I know, I'm sorry
Avery : why can't we go to his house and see him now
Addison : we don't know where he lives
Avery : your lying ! He lives in la in a house with his friends called sway
Addison : Avery how do you know that
Avery : Enzo told me
Addison : *arrives at dunkin* we'll talk about this later
I can't believe what Enzo told her, I'll talk to him later.

Liv talks x
ugh guys I want to watch bryce's new YouTube vid when he kisses Riley and I know I'll cry but my parents are going for a 3 hour walk soon so then I'll loads of time to cry.
Bryce went live and loads of people was commenting Braddison4life and Bryce scrolled up and saw a couple of the braddison comments he was laughing and scrolled back down.
Uhhh I need to get over themmm

How do yall feel about it ?

Anywayz bye
Love yall

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