Chapter 12

650 12 3

-Skip to 8pm-
-Avery wakes up-

Avery : hewo daddy
Bryce : hey baby, did u have a nice nap
Avery : yep, me watch Wittle merwaid on the big scween
Bryce : of course
Lucas : noooo I'm watching Luca
Avery : me want to watch wittle merwaid
Bryce : come on, you've had your turn for hours.
Lucas : uh your only saying that cause she's your daughter
Avery : haha wucas is jealous
Lucas : it's l-u-c-a-s you dumb baby, can't even pronounce anything right
Bryce : hey you don't call your niece dumb
Lucas : well I've always been told to tell the truth
Bryce : she's 7 years younger than you
Lucas : and
Bryce : please just get along
Addison wakes up
Lucas : no she just wants to take you away from me
Bryce : of course she doesn't, you'll always be like a brother to me
Lucas : okay I'm sorry
Bryce : hey cutie *kisses Addison's forehead*
Addison : hmm why was Lucas and Avery arguing
Avery : he not let me watch wittle merwaid
Lucas : yeah cause your a stupid baby that's trying to take Bryce away from me
Avery : *cries*
Addison : Lucas, don't call my daughter stupid
Lucas : I'm sorry
Addison : it's fine just don't do it again
Enzo : Lucas is just jealous
Lucas :  no im not
Enzo : yes you are, you used to always hang around with Bryce but now Avery's here and hes hanging around with his daughter your jealous
Lucas : shut up
Bryce : there's no need to be jealous, maybe tomorrow both of can hang out, just me and you ?
Lucas : yes
Avery : and me
Bryce : no baby
Avery : uh you no wuv me so I no wuv you *climbs over to addison

Lucas : uh your only saying that cause she's your daughter Avery : haha wucas is jealous Lucas : it's l-u-c-a-s you dumb baby, can't even pronounce anything right Bryce : hey you don't call your niece dumb Lucas : well I've always been told to tel...

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Bryce : I do love you
Addison : hey baby
Avery : *cuddles into her chest* you wuv me mommy
Addison : of course
Avery : me wuv you too
Bryce : what about me
Avery : no you won't let me hang out with you
Bryce : yes because it's just me and Lucas
Avery: yes but your daughter has to go everywhere with you
Lucas : liar
Avery : I going *stands up and pulls Addison's arm* come on mommy wets go
Addison : no baby we'll go in a bit
Avery : fine me go by mysewf *walks away to the living room where the door is*

Bryce : I do love you Addison : hey baby Avery : *cuddles into her chest* you wuv me mommy Addison : of course Avery : me wuv you tooBryce : what about me Avery : no you won't let me hang out with you Bryce : yes because it's just me and Lucas Ave...

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I tried reaching the door but I was to short, I saw a person sitting on the Sofa on his phone, he must of been one of daddy's friends so I decided to go sit next to him and talk to him

Avery : hewo
Josh : hello
Avery : my name is Avewy, what's yours
Josh : I'm josh, what are you doing here
Avery : I here to see my daddy with my mommy and uncles but daddy no wuv me so I'm going to go
Josh : oh your bryce's daughter
Avery : yep
Josh : I'm sure he does love you
Avery : nope he no let me hang out with him and lucas to tomowow, I got to go
Josh : and how are you leaving
Avery : the door silly
Josh : I'm pretty sure I just saw you try to open to door and you could just about get your finger tips to touch it
Avery : you open it for me
Josh : I'm sorry I can't, your father would kill me
Avery : oh no I need to get out of here before he twies kiwin me *runs to the door*
Bryce : *walks in* what are you doing
Avery : twying to get out before you kiw me
Bryce : I won't kill you
Avery : josh said if he opens the door for me you will kiw him
Josh : it was a joke
Avery : oh otay but I got to go
Bryce : *picks her up* your not going anywhere missy
Avery : put me down
Bryce : no
Avery : you no wuv me so put me down
Bryce : of course I love you, your my baby
Starts walking back to the movie room
Avery : you said I not awoud to hang out wiv you and Lucas
Bryce : I know, how about you ask mommy if you can sleepover here tomorrow and we can watch whatever movies you want
Avery : yes yes yes *claps her hands*
Bryce sits down and Avery sits in between Addison and Bryce
Avery : mommy ?
Addison : yes baby
Avery : me sweep ower daddy's house tomorrow
Addison : if he says you can than yes
Avery : yes daddy I can sweep ower tomorrow
Lucas : and me
Avery : no
Bryce : uh guys where's Enzo
Lucas : oh he went upstairs to play video games
Addison : okay well we better go as it's getting late.
They all walk to the gate including Enzo
Bryce : I'll pick Lucas up at 12am, drop him off at 6pm and get Avery at the same time
Addison : okay well I have a meeting at 12.15am and then a photo shoot with a male at 3.30pm but I should be back by 6
Bryce: wait your going to be taking pictures with another male
Addison : um yeah
Bryce : well remember your mine and only mine, I don't like sharing.
Addison : yeah yeah whatever, anyways got to go
Bryce : *hugs Lucas and Enzo* *kisses Avery's forehead* bye princess *kisses Addison forehead* bye queen
Enzo : you would think Bryce and Addison are dating
Bryce : she'll always be my girlfriend in my mind
Bryce : exactly
Addison : *giggles* come on then, bye
Avery : wuv you daddy
Bryce : I love you too baby
Then Addison drove away

Ur  beautiful

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