Chapter 16

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-skip next day, nothing happened. They just played and watch tv-
-Bryce and Avery is getting Addison-

Bryce : let's get mommy and you need to get changed for the beach
Avery : yayyy the beach
Bryce : *unbuckles her car seat and carry's her* *knocks on the door*
Addison : *opens the door* hey guys, your early
Avery : hey mommy *reaches for her*
Addison : *takes her from Bryce* come on then let's get ready, come on in Bryce
*bryce walks in* Lucas and Enzo are at their friends house and my parents are shopping for Enzos birthday
Bryce : okay
Addison : I'm going to get me dressed, can you please get Avery dressed. She'll show you were her swimsuit is
Bryce : okay then, come on baby *picks Avery up*
Avery : *shows him her bedroom (while she's staying there) and her swimsuits* I wear that one ?
Bryce : okay
*avery gets changed into*

 She'll show you were her swimsuit is Bryce : okay then, come on baby *picks Avery up*Avery : *shows him her bedroom (while she's staying there) and her swimsuits* I wear that one ?Bryce : okay *avery gets changed into*

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hey guys !
I know this is really short and I'm so sorry
I'm not going to be updating tomorrow as I'm hanging out W my friends and we are having a sleepover.
Saturday I will try to post but I'm not 100% sure as I'll probably hang out with my friends.

How are yall feeling about everything that's going in right now ?
Personally I think it's weird how sheris only known Omer for like a month and then she commented how she approves and loves him,
When Bryce and Addison was dating, Bryce was really close with them and she never said anything like that.
Anyways love yall

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