Chapter 15

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-skip to when Bryce goes to pick up Avery-
Bryce : *talking to Lucas* well I'll see you soon
Lucas : okay
Bryce : *knocks on the door*
Addison : *answers* oh um hi
Bryce : *lucas goes inside* I just came to collect my daughter
Addison : our daughter
Bryce : well then can you get her for me
Addison : not until we talk
Bryce : there's nothing to talk about, your moving on and if your happy then so am I.
Addison : Bryce I'm single, I'm not moving on.
Bryce : what about that guy you posted with
Addison : that was a guy I done the photo shoot with, he asked me for my number but I told him that I wasn't looking for a relationship
Bryce : so your not looking for a relationship
Addison : maybe, maybe not. Something you don't need to know.
Bryce : hmm okay
Addison : so we good ?
Bryce : Ill think about it
Addison : *does pouty face*
Bryce: uhh your so cute, okay we're good
Addison : okay good, I was thinking maybe me, you and Avery could go to the beach tomorrow
Bryce : okay I'll pick you up at 12am
Addison : okay *calls for Avery*
Avery : hey daddy *runs up to him*
Bryce : hey baby *kisses her forehead*
Avery : mommy pwease can you get my pwincess bag
Addison : okay *gets her bag*
Avery : I got clothes, pjs and dolls so we can play
Bryce : okay I'll be Ken
Avery : I be barbie
Bryce : okay then well let's get going
Avery : bye mommy
Addison : bye baby *kisses her forehead* ring me if you need anything
Bryce : I promise everything will be fine, she'll have to get used to being with me on her own anyways *kisses Addison's forehead* bye queen
Addison : bye Bryce
Avery : wuv ew mommy
Addison : love you too baby, have fun

-skip to when they get to sway-
Bryce : come on then
Avery : otay, you carry me ?
Bryce : okay *picks her up and walks inside* I'M BACK
Avery : owww daddy my ears
Bryce : sorry baby
Johnny : come in the kitchen, I want to see your daughter *shouts so Bryce can hear him*
Bryce : okay *walks into the kitchen still holding Avery*
Wazzup guys
Johnny : so what's your name *talking to Avery*
Avery : *hides her face in bryce's neck and whispers* I scared
Bryce : don't be scared, they won't hurt you
Josh : *walks into the kitchen* where's my niece ?
Avery: *looks at josh* JOSH !!!
Bryce : seems like she likes you already
Josh : I know *looks at the guys* no need to be jealous
Griffin : hey I'm Griffin *talking to Avery*
Avery : I'm Avery
Griffin : aww your so cute
Avery : fank you
Johnny : I'm Johnny *falls over cause he's drunk*
Avery : *giggles* you silly billy
Jrod: I'm jrod
Avery : my daddy said you like beans
Jrod : seriously Bryce
Bryce : what
Blake : I'm Blake
Avery : you look like one of my dolls

(When Dixie FaceTimed Avery and Addison, most of the time Noah was there so he would talk to them)

Noah : *walks in* I'm back
Avery : NOAH !!
Noah : hey Avery
Bryce : you know Noah ?
Avery : yep when me and mommy FaceTimed auntie dixie sometimes uncwl Noah was there.
Noah : I'm sorry dude, I promised dixie and Addison I wouldn't tell you
Bryce : it's fine don't worry

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