Chapter 10

704 11 2

-Next day-

I woke up at 9am, brushed my teeth, had a shower, did my skin care and got dressed into

I straightened my hair and done some natural make up,Then I heard small footsteps entering my roomAvery : morning mommy Addison : morning baby *picks her up*Avery

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I straightened my hair and done some natural make up,
Then I heard small footsteps entering my room
Avery : morning mommy
Addison : morning baby *picks her up*
Avery. Me sweep
Addison : no, you need to get dressed
Avery : me not want to
Addison : I know but your hanging out with daddy and your uncles today
Avery : yay yay yay *claps her hands* come on mommy let's get me weady
Addison : *chuckles* come on then baby

I bathed Avery and got her dressed into

We walked downstairs to see my parents making pancakes while my brothers lay out the table

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We walked downstairs to see my parents making pancakes while my brothers lay out the table.
Addison : good morning guys !
All of them except Addison & Avery : good morning
Lucas : mom we saw Bryce yesterday
Sheri : how if you was here all day
Addison : yeah guys do you want tell her how you saw him
Enzo : not me
Lucas : not me
Avery : not me
Addison : fine I'll tell her, they decided to sneak out and break into sway while we was all sleeping but Bryce caught them and brought them back
Sheri : boys you can't just break into someone's house cause you wanted to see them
Enzo : well it was Avery as well
Sheri : Avery's 3, she's doesn't understand
Lucas : oh and mom we're hanging out with Bryce later
Sheri : who's we ?
Lucas : me, Enzo and Avery
Sheri : Avery ?
Addison : yeah um he found out Avery is his daughter
Sheri : aww addi
Addison : maybe it'll be nice for her to have a father figure in her life
Sheri : I know, so who's taking you to hang out with Bryce
Addison : I am, Im going to dixies cause she wants be to be on her show at 1pm and it's on the way anyways
Sheri : okay as long as your sure
Monty : Pancakes is done

We ate and talked

-skip to when they get to sway-

*at the gate*

Enzo : hey John
John (security) : oh hey Enzo your here again
Enzo : yeah we came to hang with Bryce
John (security) : ok I'll let him know *texts Bryce* he's on his way
Enzo : okay
John : oh hey Addison
Addison : hey John
John : cute daughter
Addison : uh thanks
John : how've you been
Addison : good
John : your still looking as beautiful as ever
Avery : ewww *fakes being sick*
Bryce : John stop flirting with addi
John : I'm mean look at her she gorgeous
Bryce : I know but stop
Avery : daddy !!! *jumps into his arms*
Bryce : hey princess *kisses her forehead*
John : wait what Avery is your daughter ?
Bryce : yeah
John : I would love to have a baby with Addison
Enzo : eww we all know how it would be made
John : hmm yeah *walks away*
Enzo : eww the thought of you and Bryce doing it .... Ewww disgusting
Addison : oh shut up you'll do it when your older
Enzo : who said I already haven't
Bryce : yesss Enzo
Addison : ew stop
Bryce : come on then let's go inside
Addison : well I better go, I have a interview for dixies show
Bryce : okay
Addison : what time should I pick them up ?
Bryce : 7 ?
Addison : okay perfect
Bryce : not as perfect as you though
Addison : uh your such a flirt *rolls her eyes*
Bryce : be careful if you keep rolling your eyes they might get stuck.
Addison : oh yeah whatever bye
Bryce : see you later hottie
Addison : bye Bryce *goes in her car and drives to Dixies*

Right now we're playing mario cart me vs Enzo,
Avery is laying on my chest watching us play while Lucas is playing on his iPad.
Avery : me pway on your phone
Bryce : yeah *unlocks it*
Avery : fank you daddy
Bryce : your welcome
Avery *looks at bryce's background * ooo your backwound is you and mommy

His background:

Bryce : *chuckles*

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Bryce : *chuckles*

Back W Addison
-skip to when she does the interview / show-

Dixie : hey everyone ! It's Dixie damelio and welcome to another episode of the early late night show  today I have a special guest with I'm really excited for .... Welcome ... Addison Rae
Addison : hey guys !
Dixie : okay Addison so how've you been
Addison : good
Dixie : okay so your back in la, are you here for a reason
Addison : yeah it's Enzos 17th birthday
Dixie : are you going to be staying here
Addison : no, I'll be returning to my home in nyc
Dixie ; okay, so you was recently spotted with a little girl a couple of days ago. Can you tell us who she is ?
Addison : yeah she's my daughter Avery
Dixie : also I met Avery yesterday and she's the cutest child you'll ever meet
Addison : yep
Dixie : so why did you hide Avery from social media ?
Addison : I didn't them to know as I wanted her to grow up like a normal child without her being know because her parents are famous.
Dixie : understandable, can you reveal to us who Avery's father is
Addison ; sorry but no, he's only recently found out, I want him to get used to it before social media
Dixie : can you give us some hints ?
Addison : so he's famous, lives in la & we always hanged out
Dixie : so where's Avery now ?
Addison : hanging out with her father and my brothers
-she asks her more questions about her-
Dixie - so are you returning to social media
Addison : yes I'm back and better than even
Dixie : okay guys you heard it Addison's back, thank you for watching I'm your host Dixie damelio along side Addison Rae, good bye.

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