Chapter 23

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Bryce : wtf
Avery : *cry's*
Addison : I'm so sorry *eyes start watering*
Bryce : no your fucking not
Addison : Bryce please, I'm so sorry
Bryce : whatever *walks away still holding Avery*
Addison : no Bryce please *follows him*
Bryce : *walking upstairs* fuck off, I'm gonna get some clothes for Avery and then we are leaving so you can do whatever you want with your new boyfriend
Addison : he's not my "boyfriend"
Bryce : whatever
Avery: *crying* I thought you loved daddy
Addison : of course I do
Bryce : clearly not *about to go in Avery's bedroom*
Addison : *grabs his hands*
Bryce : get the fuck off me
Addison : *crying* Bryce please can you give me 5 minutes to explain please
Bryce : no
Addison : please Bryce
Bryce : fine *puts Avery down in her playroom* you play in here while me and mommy talk
Avery : otay
Bryce : I love you
Avery : I wuv you too
-Addison and Bryce go to Addison's room -

Bryce : okay so
Addison : I don't even know who he is, every time I went to tell him about you he kept cutting me off. I love you and only you, but don't be annoyed at me when I kiss a dude when I'm single.
Bryce : your not single though
Addison : really ? When did you ask me to be your girlfriend ?
Bryce : I'm working on it
Addison : exactly so I'm single
Bryce : yeah well I don't kiss other girls
Addison : it's was a mistake, I love you and only you. Please Bryce, forgive me ?
Bryce : you'll have to talk to Avery and try to get her to forgive you
Addison : I know, she's know you for 2 months and she's already a daddy's girl
(I know they were meant to be there for 2 weeks but I changed it)

Bryce : I'm just loveable
Addison : I know
Bryce : so you do love me
Addison : I love you soooo much
Bryce : I love you sooooo much too
-they kiss-

Addison : okay let's talk to avery

Heres a short chapter for yall
I started school today and ugh it's so boring, I have loads of horrible teachers as well 😭
Love yall


Ur beautiful

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