Chapter 17

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I got changed into

I put a t-shirt, sweater and some Nike pros into a bag along with some spare clothes for Avery and then walked into Avery's room where both Bryce and Avery was

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I put a t-shirt, sweater and some Nike pros into a bag along with some spare clothes for Avery and then walked into Avery's room where both Bryce and Avery was.

Addison : hey guys
Bryce : *stares at her*
Avery : hey mommy
Addison : hey Bryce
Bryce : hm *still staring at her*
Addison ; you've got something on your chin
Bryce : *wipes his chin and realises there's nothing there* uh you liar
Addison : well it stopped you from staring at me
Bryce : not my fault you look so hot
Addison : *giggles*
Bryce : come on let's go *walks past Addison and whispers in her ear* it's been to long since I've had you.
Addison : uhhh um come on Avery *picks her up*
Avery : otay mommy wets go
-skip to when they get to the beach-

I was in the sea with Avery when I noticed some dude hitting on Addison, of course I had to step in and see what he was doing

Bryce : hey babe, who are u ?
Cade : Addison's soon to be boyfriend
Bryce : ahaha yeah yeah you wish
Cade : I mean look at her, her gorgeous hair blowing in the summer breeze, her boobs sitting perfectly in that top (he doesn't know what it is) ohh and the feeling of her ass touching my dick.
Bryce : you horny fucker, don't talk about her like that
Cade : oh I did and will
Bryce : and you'll regret it
Cade : your just a weak pussy *sits next to Addison*
Bryce : wtf are you doing
(Avery was making sand castles close to them but she couldn't hear what they was saying)
Cade: hey bbg *puts his hands on her thigh*
Addison : um hi *pushes his hands off her thigh*
Cade : uh you look extremely sexy in that bikini
Addison : um thanks
Bryce : okay that's it
Addison : Bryce no
Bryce : what your just going to let him sit there, touch you and talk dirty shit to you
Cade : come on babe, come back to my house. We could have some fun *winks at her*
Addison : um no thanks
Cade : oh come on, I won't disappoint you
Bryce : she said no, go and find another girl to hit on
Cade : *slaps her ass* uh your boring bye * walks away*
Bryce : I'm gonna get my daughter and then we're leaving
Addison : *holds his hands* no talk to me
Bryce : about what
Addison : that guy
Bryce : oh you mean that guy that was just hitting on you, talking dirty shit and you wouldn't let me do anything
Addison : Bryce
Bryce : what
Addison : can you stop being jealous
Bryce : I'm not
Addison : yes u are, I don't want any other guy only you
Bryce : then why didn't you tell that guy to fuck off
Addison : because
Bryce : because what
Addison : it was nice having someone compliment me or give me attention, even tho he said some messed up things, ever since we met again and you found out about Avery, you always gave her all your attention
Bryce : I'm sorry I made you feel that way, I promise to give you more attention
Addison : promise *pouty face*
Bryce : I promise, now I'm gonna go and get our daughter and then we can go back to sway

hey guys
I've been really busy lately and I'm so sorry.
Tomorrow I will try to post but I'm going to the aqua park with my cousin for the second time this week.
And I'm going to a carnival with my auntie.Also my phone is fixed finallyyyyy it's been 3 1/2 months.
Are yall doing anything in the rest of the week ?
I found out I don't go back to school until 7th Sept !

How are yall feeling about the lie detector test Addison done ?
Love yall


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