Chapter 8

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Yall asked so here it is ...

Enzo : just please don't be loud
Lucas : um I'll try my best *unlocks the door*
Enzo : and were in *they go inside*
Avery : wowww

Enzo : just please don't be loud Lucas : um I'll try my best *unlocks the door*Enzo : and were in *they go inside*Avery : wowww

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*walks into this room*

Lucas : uh so guys, how are we meant to see Bryce
Avery : um wake him up ?
Enzo : no are you crazy
Avery : uh sowwy
Lucas : seriously did you really plan anything
Enzo : well I mean
Lucas : I'll take that as a no
Avery : *her stomach rumbles* I hungwy
Lucas : yeah I need a snack
Enzo : come on then let's go to the kitchen but shhh don't wake anyone up
*they go to the kitchen*

Lucas : uh so guys, how are we meant to see Bryce Avery : um wake him up ?Enzo : no are you crazy Avery : uh sowwyLucas : seriously did you really plan anything Enzo : well I mean Lucas : I'll take that as a no Avery : *her stomach rumbles* I hung...

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Avery : this house is way to big, I would get lost Lucas : once you've been here a couple of times you will get used to it Enzo : okay let's get a snack then *looks in the pantry and it's full of alcohol so he looks in the cabinets and one of the ...

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Avery : this house is way to big, I would get lost
Lucas : once you've been here a couple of times you will get used to it
Enzo : okay let's get a snack then *looks in the pantry and it's full of alcohol so he looks in the cabinets and one of the cabinets make a massive bang noice*
Lucas : Enzo you probably woke up everyone
Enzo : it's wasn't my fault

I was sleeping and all a sudden I heard a massive bang noise like the sound of a cabinet getting slammed shut, I walked out of my bedroom down to the living room and saw the front door wasn't looked and I definitely locked it before I went to bed.
All a sudden I then heard familiar whispers coming from the kitchen and so I went to check it out.
I walked through the kitchen, there was Enzo looking guilty, Lucas eating goldfish and Addison's daughter sitting on a chair eating goldfish.
I think they heard me and they all immediately looked my way.

Lucas : Bryce ? *smiles*
Bryce : what are you doing here at 2.50am, it's way past your bed time
Enzo : we missed you
Bryce : I missed you too but you shouldn't be here
Enzo : why not
Bryce : your parents are probably worried
Lucas : doubt it their sleeping
Bryce : how did you guys get in here ?
Enzo : well John let us through cause we told him we was here to surprise you and then Lucas remembered you kept a spare key under the plant pot.
Avery: *yawns* me sweepy
Enzo : uh Bryce that's Avery, Addison's daughter
Bryce : yeah I saw her the other day at dunkin, so Addison's moved on ? ( he thought Addison had an abortion)
Enzo : nope
Avery : me down pwease
Lucas :  not me
Enzo : not me
Bryce : uh it's me then *picks her up and puts her on the floor*
Avery: no me tiwed upies *opens her arms to him*
Bryce : okay fine * picks her up and she cuddles into his neck*
Enzo : *takes a photo of them* I wish Addison was here to see this
Avery : bwyce I thought you was a bad guy but what mommy and Enzo said was twue, you vewy nice
Bryce : your mommy ?
Avery : yeah when I saw you in dunkin I thought you was going to hurt me but mommy said that you was very nice
Bryce : hmm *thinks about him and Addison when they was arguing after he found out about her being pregnant *
Enzo : Oooo Bryce is thinking about Addison
Bryce : uh no I'm not
Lucas : Bryce still loves Addison !
Avery: Ooo you wuv my mommy and I'm going to tell her
Bryce : come on guys let's get you home
*they get in bryce's car*

Avery: *yawns* me sweepy Enzo : uh Bryce that's Avery, Addison's daughter Bryce : yeah I saw her the other day at dunkin, so Addison's moved on ? ( he thought Addison had an abortion) Enzo : nope Avery : me down pwease Lucas :  not me Enzo : not m...

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-in bryce's car-

Lucas : Bryce we missed you so much
Bryce : I missed you guys too
Enzo : we used to have so much fun together
Bryce : I know maybe us boys  could hang out at sway tomorrow if your parents let you
Lucas + Enzo : yesss
Avery : what about me *pouty face*
Lucas : uh your like a baby version of Addison but all you like is dolls, princesses and baby girl stuff
Avery : *starts crying* you meanie
Bryce : hey Lucas don't be mean, of course you can hang out with us too
Avery : fank ew Bryce
Enzo : can we watch movies as well
Bryce : of course !
all of them except Bryce : yayyy
Bryce : *pulls outside their house* ok come on guys
*they get out*
Avery: me really tiwed pwease uppies
Bryce : ok fine *picks her up*
Enzo : *tries to open the door* umm the door is locked and addi has the spare key
Lucas : well then just knock of the door
Enzo : fine *knocks on the door*

I was in a nice peaceful sleep when all a sudden someone was knocking on the door, I checked the time and it was 3:25am, uhh seriously who's knocking at the door at this time  I asked myself. I walked down stairs to the front door and unlocked it.
Soon as I opened I couldn't believe my eyes, Bryce hall my ex boyfriend standing in the middle of my brother while holding our daughter while she cuddles up to his neck

Addison : uh hey guys what are you going outside with Bryce at 3:25am
Bryce : well they broke into sway and I caught them eating goldfish in the kitchen
Addison : what ? Why ?
Enzo : we missed Bryce and we knew if we asked your or mom and dad to see him you would say no
Addison : guys that doesn't matter, you shouldn't be sneaking around peoples houses or taking my daughter with you
Enzo : yeah well guess what she's bryce's daughter as well, maybe she wanted to see her father for once, it's like you don't care what she wants, Avery deserves to see her father she's only little.
Bryce : what
Addison : Bryce don't act stupid you knew I was pregnant, you kicked me out of your house, calling me a bunch of horrible names and told me you didn't want a child because it would ruin your boxing career.


I'll post in like a hour

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