Chapter 18: Empty

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‼️TW: suicide


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Bellamy and I exchange concerned glances at our predicament. We were at a dead end. I felt an overwhelming urge to throw up. My hands were shaking at my sides and my chest felt like it was being constricted. Charlotte lets out another cry just then for Murphy to hear and Bellamy finally sets her down. He looks at her in exasperation. Honestly, I also had enough of her shit.

"Hey," I say harshly to her. "Stop it. What the hell is wrong with you? We're trying to help you."

"They want me!" Charlotte says sternly.

"We're trying to protect you. My gods, we're trying to protect a fucking murderer, and you're not even grateful." I shake my head furiously. My best friend's murderer. This was insane. Was she even worth it?

Just then Murphy appears from the trees, seemingly pleased to have found us with our backs to a corner. Finn and Clarke emerge from the opposite direction as well.

"Charlotte! Damn it. Bellamy! You cannot fight all of us. Give her up." Murphy sneers.

"Maybe not, but I guarantee I'll take a few of you with me."

I notice Bellamy step forward and acting on impulse I place myself between him and Murphy. This does not need to lead to another fistfight, especially one so close to a freaking cliff. "Stop! Everyone just please calm down and we'll talk about this."

Murphy lunges forward to grab my wrist. He pulls me into his chest and raises the knife to my throat. I gulp, looking at Bellamy and Charlotte in horror. "I'm tired of you getting in the way recently, angel." Murphy spits, "does this feel familiar?"

Murphy presses the knife onto my throat, hard enough to draw a little bit of blood— enough for it to sting.

"Don't fucking touch her." Bellamy demands.

Murphy chuckles darkly. "Oh come on, Bellamy. What's the big deal? You don't actually care. You just want her wristband, right? So tell you what, I'll solve both of our problems, you give me Charlotte, and the Ark will think our little angel here is dead. Win-win."

Bellamy swallows, his eyes wide with fury and fear. Murphy's words stung, but it wasn't something I didn't already know. Still, Murphy saying them out loud hurt to hear for whatever reason. Maybe I just was extra sensitive at the moment but hearing those words made the tightening feeling in my chest worse. Would Bellamy actually consider trading my life just to send a message to the Ark?

Charlotte peeks her head out from behind Bellamy. "No, please. Don't hurt her."

"Don't hurt her? Okay, I'll make you a deal. You come with me right now and I will let her go." Murphy reasons, voice still dripping with anger.

I shake my head at Charlotte but Murphy only tightens his grip on me at the action. I saw that she was really considering his offer and my heart dropped. I elbow Murphy enough for him to loosen his grip and for me to shout. "Don't do it, Charlotte. Do not do it!"

Fallen Angel [Bellamy Blake]Where stories live. Discover now