Chapter 40

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BELLAMY, FINN, AND I WAIT SILENTLY just outside of Raven's tent as she assembled the bomb

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BELLAMY, FINN, AND I WAIT SILENTLY just outside of Raven's tent as she assembled the bomb.

The tension between the three of us could be cut with knife. I attempt to look at Bellamy discretely every now and then to try and figure out what he was thinking and I feel him glance over at me as well every so often. I knew he was probably waiting to make a snide remark about Finn and I being the ones to come up with the idea to blow up the bridge when we were the ones that called for peace only a day ago.

"Okay. You can come in now," Raven calls from inside the tent.

Bellamy walks in first, followed by Finn, and then I went in last. "Boom!" Raven playfully stomps towards Bellamy, who jumps back startled by the suddenness of her action.

"That's cute." He rolls his eyes, pretending to have not been all that affected by Raven's joke.

I stifle my snicker and cross my arms over my chest to appear more serious. Seeing Bellamy squarm was always a highlight in my book.

"Relax," Raven teases. "It needs an accelerant... gunpowder." She then starts to show us how exactly the bomb needed to be set up. "Container of hydrazine. Put the gunpowder around the hydrazine. Hit the bull's eye... Win a prize."

"It's the rest of our gunpowder. Won't be able to make any more bullets," Bellamy says.

Finn sighs in discontent. "Tonight we need a bomb. We can worry about bullets tomorrow."

"If we do this and it doesn't work. We'll all be dead tomorrow."

"I trust Raven." I state, looking at her with a small smile. "So, I trust the bomb will work."

Raven nods. "To be safe, you need to be at least two hundred feet away to make the shot."

"No problem." Bellamy acknowledges. "Which one of you plants the bomb?"

We all look at each other uneasily. If we don't get far enough away from the blast in time then we die. There was no question that I should do it. After a long pause, I shake my head. "I'll do it."

"Out of the question," Bellamy states. I look at him in bewilderment. Why would he ask the question if he didn't trust me to set up the bomb?

"I will." Finn declares before I could open my mouth to protest.

"You won't pick up a gun, but blowing people up, that you're okay with?" Bellamy scoffs.

"We're blowing up a bridge. There's not gonna be any people on it."

"Finn, we have one bomb. We need to use it to kill as many of those bastards as possible."

I look down at my feet to gather my composure. I was still reeling about Bellamy's lack of faith in me. "But they don't know we only have one bomb. If we did, why would we waste it on a bridge? I'm talking about deterrents, peace through strength." Finn asserts.

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