Chapter 42

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Sometimes I'm terrified of my heart; of its constant hunger for whatever it is, it wants

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Sometimes I'm terrified of my heart; of its constant hunger for whatever it is, it wants. The way it stops and starts. -- Edgar Allen Poe

STERLING WAS GOOD COMPANY BUT MAN did he like to talk a lot. The first half of our hunting trip he spent apologizing for what happened with Sebastian. After I told him I forgiven him for the tenth time, he moved on to telling me stories about his life back on the Ark.

"Funny thing is that the algae didn't sit right with me that week and I had just asked Jenevy—

"Sterling," I interrupt him mid-sentence. "I think I see a boar. But, we need be really quite if we don't want to scare him away."

He was also very obedient. He immediately fell silent. I crept slowly towards the boar. It snorts obliviously to my presence. I held the spear in my hands, balancing it before sending it flying into the boars torso.

The boar let out a loud squeal and falls limply to the ground.

"Whoo!" Sterling cheers. "That was freaking awesome!"

I laugh at his excitement. "Alright, let's take him back."

By the time we made it back to camp it was already nightfall. We had to walk slower to carry the heavy boar between the both of us. We set it down at the entrance of the gate. Sterling and some other guy quickly took over.

I shot Sterling a smile and wave as he walks away.

"Hey, Miller." I call to the boy as he leant by the gate. "Everyone back?"

"Almost," He says. "We were waiting on you and Clarke to come back."

I frown. "Clarke, Finn, and Myles aren't back yet?"

Miller shakes his head.

Shit. I hurry over to Bellamy's tent, worry bubbling up inside me. I try not to jump to the worst possible conclusion after all I had just gotten back myself but it was difficult not to when we were at war and the enemy lies so close to us.

"Bellamy, we–" I burst into Bellamy's tent but stopped talking immediately when I noticed what I had just walked into.

Bellamy was laying on his bed, his bare chest exposed and a blanket hung low on his waist. Raven was perched on the edge of the bed pulling on her boots. Both of their eyes widen when they saw me.

"I, uh–" I turn around sharply leaving out of the tent unable to find any words.

I walk as fast as I could away from that tent. I didn't know why I was so bothered by seeing them together. It's not like I didn't know Bellamy slept around with a ton of girls on camp. It just seemed like he wasn't doing that anymore since... No, I was just assuming and I shouldn't care anyway. So, why did I feel like my chest was suddenly burning? No, I shouldn't even care about what he does. Or who for that matter.

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