Chapter 21: Search Party

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BELLAMY BURSTS INTO MY TENT, A CRAZED look in his eyes and a torch firmly held in his left hands

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BELLAMY BURSTS INTO MY TENT, A CRAZED look in his eyes and a torch firmly held in his left hands. "You up?"

I sit up abruptly, slightly startled but keep my composure enough to glare and nod at him. "Yeah. Knowing that hundreds of people might be dying on the Ark makes it kind of hard to sleep."

He searches my face, probably noticing the dark circles under my eyes. No need to tell him that I haven't been sleeping well since we first landed. Not that he cared. "Raven's flares will work," Bellamy says trying to reassure me.

"Her radio would've worked," I say coldly.

Bellamy sighs. Deciding to skip out on this fight, the creases of worry return to his face. "Have you seen Octavia?"

I frown, thinking back to the last time I saw her. "No, not since yesterday before I found you in the woods."

"Katherine, I checked the entire camp. She's not here."

The panic bubbling in the back of his throat was enough to make me worry too. Sure, Octavia likes to wander off but she wouldn't be gone for so long. She certainly wouldn't be gone at this hour.

"Okay, I'll help you find her," I say, grabbing my pack. "Go check the dropship, I'll check the rest of the tents and ask around."

His face softens, "thank you."

"Don't thank me," I state. "I'm not doing this for you. I'm doing this for Octavia."

I walk past him and onto the next tent, checking inside hoping to see Octavia. I stop next at Clarke's tent, who was tossing restlessly inside. She turns to face me and I can tell she hasn't been able to sleep much either. She gives me a defeated look, and then frowns when she notices the worry on my face.

"What's wrong now?" She asks.

The immediate panic in her voice was warranted. After the past week, you kind of come to expect the worse from Earth. "Octavia's missing."

Clarke frowns. "She's probably..."

"Bellamy checked the entire camp. I'm helping now but I haven't found any trace of her either."

Clarke shoots up and walks outside her tent without hesitation. She looks around, trying to see if there was any danger. She helped me search the rest of the tents until we finally made it back to the dropship. Bellamy was waiting, his hands running repeatedly through his hair.

I shake my head to tell him that we hadn't found anything as we approach him. He punches the wall of the dropship out of frustration and wordlessly storms out. Bellamy begins making excessive noise around camp, waking everyone out of their tents.

"Hey," I hear a voice call to me. I turn around to meet Seb's brown eyes. Sebastian looks at me with worry. "What's happening?"

I smile at him, seeing him was like taking a breath of fresh air. Sebastian is the one thing currently in my life that doesn't cause me active stress. I hadn't had the chance to speak to him since I left his tent the other night and now he probably thinks I just used him. "Octavia Blake is missing," I answer.

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