Chapter 10: Shifts

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Chapter 10: shifts

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Chapter 10: shifts

A ROUGH, LARGE HAND GRASPS MY WRIST tightly, preventing me from plummeting into the pit. A hand I immediately recognize.

My heart hammers frantically in my chest as I try to process what just happened. I crane my head up to see Bellamy's eyes staring down at me, wild and crazed. His eyebrows furrow inward as he strains to hold onto me but he doesn't let go, his grip only tightening.

I dare to look down and immediately regretted it. My feet were dangling just inches above very sharp wooden spikes. Choking terror consumes me. My breathing becomes labored as I realize that I had almost been turned into a kebab—and that I could still very well be. When I look back up at Bellamy, I panic. Would he drop me? I use whatever strength I have to reach up with my other hand and grip his wrist back as tightly as possible.

The rest of the party gathers around Bellamy at that moment, grabbing whatever part of him or me they could use to help him pull me up. But the side of the pit also had been designed with smaller, still very sharp spikes so as they pull me up I feel something stab and then tear down the flesh on my thigh. I cry out in pain and tell them to stop, but they didn't listen.

They manage to get me back on solid even ground. And I scramble away from the pit wanting to be as far away as I could from the deadly spikes. The string of colorful curse words that left my lips were surprising even for me. My leg felt as if it was on fire and still being torn apart. I ignore the searing hot pain and focus my attention back on Jasper through tears.

I was safe, Jasper wasn't.

Clarke kneels down beside me. Her face was flushed from exertion and her brows narrowed in worry. "Are you okay?"

I nod, not bothering to look at her, and despite the increasing excruciating pain emanating from my thigh. I didn't dare look at it, knowing that as soon as I did I'll start seeing stars. If I ignore it, I won't know how bad it is. Plus they don't need to worry about me, they need to get Jasper.

"Jasper," I say through my uneven breathing.

Bellamy's eyes flicker over my face. He bends down to my level placing his hand on the small of my back for support. "You look pale," he states as a matter of fact.

I shake my head, glaring at him briefly before looking away from the intensity of his stare. God, I really must be getting woozy to not be able to stare down Bellamy. "I'm fine," I say forcefully. "Get Jasper down and then let's get the hell out of here."

Finn nods at me, getting up from besides me. Clarke and Bellamy help me to my feet.

"I'll climb up there and cut the vines," Finn states.

"I'll help," I say, attempting to walk forward without putting weight on my leg.

"You're hurt."

Clarke looks down at my leg and I follow her eyes downward. A huge mistake. I knew I shouldn't have looked at it. My pants were slightly torn down the middle of my right leg, and blood was oozing out of the opening. It was difficult to see the actual laceration due to the blood. So much blood.

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