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Taehyung found himself in the training field holding a bow and arrow staring at archery targets.

How did he end up here you may ask.

The only reason Taehyung is in this situation is because of his elder siblings. 

He couldn't handle all the coos and coddling. The "you've become prettier since I last saw you"s to the "you've grown taller since I last saw you"s had become a bit unbearable after a whole hour. More so because he'd seen his siblings just two days ago before they left for their short trip. 

His siblings tended to become a bit too affectionate sometimes... oftentimes. So much so that it became embarrassing for the youngest prince. Especially after seeing Jimin give him that Cheshire cat smile. 

And don't get him started on Jeongguk. He wanted to bury himself when he realized the handsome ravenette was also present there. 

So, amidst his inner panic, the Omega prince suggested they have a duel of sorts since he "missed his siblings so much". 

And nothing gets a Daagian going like a proper duel.

Thus we find ourselves here. In the midst of the royal training field with annoying siblings, insufferable friends, and handsome kings. 

"Go on Taehyungie! Let me see how good you've gotten!" Haneul said loudly, her tone dripping with pride. That had the silver-head sucking I'm a deep breath. Taehyung wasn't a nervous person. Hell, he was the general of the best military on land. However, Haneul having high expectations of him somehow made his shoulders heavier. And the task that was so natural to him now for some reason made him sweat a little. 

But the desire to be greater and to grow stronger was ever-present in Taehyung's heart. Making his passion rage high as he pulled three arrows simultaneously and shot them faster than anyone could see. And before the spectators could even catch their breath, the three arrows had already reached their destination. Dead center. 

Taehyung couldn't even put his hands down before he was attacked by Yugyeom and coddled once more. "you are marvelous my jewel! Absolutely marvelous!" He heard his brother say. Haneul squealing in the background. And the Omega couldn't do anything but heave out a fond sigh. 

"Jewel" was a nickname given to him when he was a baby. Or so he's heard. Apparently, Haneul had blurted it out first and the name just stuck. She keeps the bragging rights for that, to this day. 

When Taehyung was born, the kingdom didn't have the chance to rejoice in his arrival before it mourned for the queen's death. During those times Haneul and Yugyeom refused to see their newborn brother. Accusing the baby prince to be the cause for their mother's death. 

They were toddlers themselves. They didn't know any better.

But when the king forced them to meet the then-baby prince, the siblings were enchanted. Those sparkling sapphire eyes held so much innocence in them that their anger diminished instantly. 

Baby Taehyung was a bundle of joy and held everyone's heart in his tiny little palms. His giggles could just make your eyes tear up from its radiance. And those eyes, those eyes that shined like jewels could just mesmerize you. When Haneul saw those sapphire orbs she knowingly or unknowingly had sworn to herself to never let them witness the sight of being unloved.

When a six-year-old Haneul first saw Taehyung she blurted out to her father, "Hannie will powtect Taehyungie, Dada". The then four-year-old Yugyeom had nodded his head without a second of hesitation. 

The king had asked the tiny princess "why?". To which the girl had only one answer. "Because Taehyungie is a jul and juls awe puecious" her emerald doe eyes shined in a determination she knew not the meaning of. They probably didn't know what they were signing up for but they hadn't complained since. 

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