Episode 06

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Thomas had just made the boy a sandwich with a glass of milk. They all sat in the living room while trying to locate Bonnie. "Jacob Devanté Bennett," Rebekah muttered probably for the hundredth time that night after stealing glances at the boy.

Marcel frowned before placing his phone down. "What is it you have against the boy, or is it that shocking that Bon has a child?"

"Yes! And something else more striking!" she hissed while watching the boy disappear in the hallway.

"Okay so what else is there Mrs. Gerard, your usual pointless obsession?"

Rebekah's jar dropped. "No! If my instinct are true, then I know his father."

"Of course he has a father." She rolled her eyes. "Did you think he just popped out of nowhere?"

"For your information, where Bonnie Bennett is concerned, that will never shock me. But you will not understand, the same way I don't get how it came to be."

"By 'it', you mean Jacob?" She nodded. "By 'how', you mean the method he was conceived?" She nodded once more before he frowned. "Can we find Bonnie first so you can ask her questions that will course many to rule you clinically insane in the real world." She rolled her eyes. "Remember my choice of word being will and not can."

"You both sound as if you've forgotten about my existence." They both turned to Hope who was sitting on a singular couch with Beatrice Bennett's grimoire on her lap. "I was a loophole to nature. So, I really don't get why you both stressing about Jack's formula."

"Well, if you put it like that," Marcel said, "we both sound crazy, thanks to your aunt."

"Hey!" She hit his arm and the pair laughed. The knock on the door diverted their attention.

"Two heartbeats," they said in union before smirking to each other.

This time, Thomas was the one to open the door. The sight of four people on the porch made him nervous. He didn't need supernatural senses to know what some were. The question was, how the hell did they cross the boarder. "May I help you?"

The man that knock leaned in to stare into his eyes. "Fetch Bonnie Bennett."

"I'm not a dog," Thomas said, looking so annoyed that he wanted to punch the punk in the next week.

"Kol," the woman next to him scolded. A raven head pushed passed them and attempted to walk in but Tom held him back.

"I'm going to ask again, how may I help you?"

"Who's this kid?" The raven head asked. "Hes obviously on vervain or one of the psychotic witches."

"I must say, truly impressed by his confidence," the man called Kol said.

"Let me show you how this works," Thomas scolded. "You tell me why you are all here and if I may assist you, we acquit ourselves before coming in. I'm assuming that you are all old enough to understand that."

"Listen here you little shi-."

"I'm Davina Claire." The former witch jumped in before Kol lost his cool. She failed to notice him wince at her use of her maiden name. "We are here to see Bonnie Bennett about a matter concerning the Original family."

A person who didn't know what she meant was going to ask for her to clarify, but obviously not Samuel Miller's son.

"Thomas Miller, the human Representative." With that, everyone on the porch was surprised since he was so young. Everyone inside were just listening on the show, impressed by Tom's antics. Marcel noticed how Hope was all smiles while gazing at the unknown.

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