Chapter 3: The Surface?
“Now I want to say that you all did a spectacular job today but we had to be very picky when picking who to put on the teams. I will call off the names of those of you who did not make it and if I get to your name then you will exit the room. Those who are not called will stay seated and wait for further instructions.” My dad said over the speaker.
He began calling the names and slowly the room started to get empty. Because of this Jenna had decided that it would be best if she left as well and wished us all good luck before she followed the people who had just been called out. In the end it was just us at our table and four others that were seated close by.
When he stopped calling the names we all looked around at one another. None of us had a clue what was going to happen next. For all we knew he could make us go against each other to figure out the final teams.
Moments later the door to my right, in which we had exited after the competition earlier, opened up and out walked my dad and some of the other instructors. Kinsley was one of them while the other was a tall woman with blonde hair and brown eyes.
“You have all made it onto the teams,” my father begun. “The way you performed out there was sensational and just what I'm looking for. Now to make this short, all of you,” he pointed to our table. “Are on the first team except for Alia who is on the second team with you all,” he pointed to the other table of people.
I felt my heart sink at what he said. Alia would not be on our team. That meant I would be the only girl. I mentally groaned.
Looking over to the other table I noticed that there were three guys and one girl. Two guys had brown hair, one was light the other was dark. While the other guy had blonde hair and the girl had dark black hair. They all looked physically in shape and had a confidence about them that said they were good at what they did. Great, at least she didn't get stuck with all boys.
“Here's how this goes down.” My dad said with a clap of his hands, bringing me back to attention. “Team Two will go up first to scout out the area above us and bring back as much information as possible, such as the condition of the soil, buildings, animal life, ect. You have a week to gather as much info as you need then you report back here. Try to stay out of sight especially at night for safety purposes. Also your head in charge will be Alia, she is your leader and so you will do as she says. I will give her more detailed instructions that are to be followed. Understand?” He asked with a raised brow.
There were a chorus of yes sir. Satisfied he turned to our table. I swallowed the lump that had been building in my throat. Our turn.
“Aria you are in charge of Team One. Your team will go to the surface once Team Two is back with the information. Your job will be to travel around and get to know the surrounding people and how things have been on the surface since the start and end of the war. I'm sure we're not the only ones still alive so any information they can give us will be very helpful. Try to stay out of trouble, I know you all have combat skills but we don't want to give them the wrong impression. Aria I will give you further instructions once Team Two is back with information.” I gave him a swift nod letting him know I understood.
He turned to face everyone. “Now yes I know that I have put my two daughters in charge but it is not because of the obvious reason you are thinking. I know how their brains work unlike the rest of you. I know that they are capable of leading these two teams with level heads and will make wise decisions when faced with a challenge. This is also how Kinsley and Laura feel as well.” He pointed to the people behind him. “So you will all treat them with respect as your leaders and will follow their every command. Is that clear?”
“Yes Sir!”
“Alright, you are now all free to leave. Team Two will report to my office tomorrow morning at 6 sharp for additional info and then will be sent out a few hours after. Make sure you all say your goodbyes and are packed and ready to go by 10. You are now dismissed.” With that my father turned around and exited the room with Kinsley and Laura on his heal.
For a few minutes we all just sat there in silence taking everything in. We had all made it like we had hoped but now the weight of what was really going on came down on us. We had no idea of what the surface was like, we had no clue what kind of dangers we would face. What the people were like or the animals if there were any. We had all heard about the war from our teachers and with all of the bombs that were flying everywhere it would be a mystery how anything survived.
And then here I was the leader of Team One. Could I carry a whole team? Would I make a great leader? All sorts of questions were flying around in my head. But I had to believe my dad knew what he was doing.
“Aria?” Someone calling my name brought me out of my maze of thoughts. I looked up to see Alia staring at me with concern and fear in her eyes. We had never been separated before and were use to doing everything together and always having each other to watch our backs. And now she would be alone.
We were both standing and in seconds in each others arms. I could hear her quiet sobs as she buried her face into my hair. I felt my own tears fighting to escape my eyes but I held them at bay. I had to be strong for her.
“Shhhh. Alia, everything will be okay. Dad must have had a reason to separate us. Please don't cry, you must be strong for your team.” I said comfortingly. I heard her crying stop and then slowly she pulled away from me to look in my eyes. She gave me a nod to let me know she agreed.
I felt an arm go around me and then I looked up to see Arrow had his arms around the two of us. He had a smile on his face though it did not reach his eyes.
“Any room for your brother in this love fest?” He asked playfully. Alia and I smiled up at him and removed one of our arms from each other to wrap around him. We stood like that for awhile in comfortable silence in each others arms.
Then like before I felt arms wrap around me and looked around to see the rest of our group joining in on the hug.
“We're all here for you.” Beth said from Alia's side. They were closer to each other than Beth and I.
“Totally...” Jace agreed awkwardly. He was not into the whole showing affection thing but I could see that he made an exception this time.
We split apart form each other with huge smiles. Hopefully that would give Alia some comfort, that even though we could not be with her physically we were with her spiritually.
After that we got to know the other team. I found out that the boy with light brown hair was Tyler, the boy with dark brown hair was Ross, the guy with blonde hair was Joey and the girls name was Fay. They all seemed like really good people and I was happy that Alia was at least teamed with people who would make it enjoyable for her. Tyler seemed like the brainy one with all of his intelligent comments, he reminded me a little of Jason. Ross and Joey seemed like like goofballs of the group and were always joking around. And to no ones surprise it looked as if Alia and Fay were already getting along and becoming friends as they teased the boys together.
We all split ways after a few hours of getting to know each other and headed back to our apartments. Alia and Arrow were walking beside me but none of us spoke as we were all occupied by our own thoughts.
Tomorrow would mark a change in all of our lives, one we all thought we were ready for. If only we had known the events the next week would hold.
A/N: Sorry for such the long wait! my editor, Megan, kept forgetting to look it over!!! but no worries I got someone else to so I hope there's no mistakes. I also hope that you like this chapter even though it was mainly just to give more information. so do you have a favorite character yet? I do! anyways PLEASE VOTE AND COMMENT! I would love to hear from you all!

A New World
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