A/N: Just wanted to thank all of you fantastic people for reading our story! This is where the book really starts to pick up and get super fun. You're going to find out a lot about the characters here in these next few chapters and through the whole thing you're going to go on this amazingly weird journey. Hope y'all enjoy this chapter and don't forget to vote and comment! I really would like to know what you think so don't be shy!
Chapter 15: Welcome to Flight School
Waking up that morning felt like I was still in a dream. Except for the fact I was sopping wet and screaming. Those two things were very real as well as the tall guy who was bent over laughing his face off at the foot of my bed. The tall guy was not surprisingly James which added fuel to the fire that was my hatred for this guy. He was standing, well as much as someone can stand when they're laughing hysterically, with an empty bucket in one hand and his stomach in the other.
“Seriously?!” I screamed at him but only got more laughter in return.
Without thinking, I flung my hand out toward him and to both our surprise James was thrown into the open bathroom by a gust of wind. Frantically, I sat up and peered over the end of my bed and into the bathroom. James was sitting in the bottom of my shower with his eyes wide as he rubbed the back of his head. Figuring this was the only shot I had to get him back, I climbed off the bed and walked into the bathroom with the best I'm-so-sweet-and-innocent face I could manage. James' eyes finally focused on me once I was standing in front of him and his eyebrows scrunched together in what I’m guessing was confusion.
“Is your arm okay?” I asked sneakily and just like I had hoped he took his eyes off me and looked at his arm. Slowly, my hand reached out to turn on the water.
“Yeah it's fine. I_” James was cut off as cold water sprayed down on him. I, of course, booked it out of there while he screamed the second most girly scream I had ever heard come out of a guys mouth. Arrow sadly had him beat for first place, that boy hated spiders.
I was out the bedroom door in a flash but was cut short in my mad dash by a hard body being in my way.
“Oh hey Aria, you okay?” I looked up from my current position on the floor to Caleb with an outreached hand and an apologetic smile. I swallowed down the not so nice words that threatened to get out and grabbed his hand.
“Oh yeah, I’m just dandy Caleb. Thanks for asking.” I said not being able to really hold it all back. “Gosh that floor is hard.” I commented as I rubbed my poor behind.
“Um... Aria?” At the mention of my name I looked up at Caleb. “Why are you soaking wet?”
I couldn't help but narrow my eyes as my hatred for a certain someone came back. “That stupid jerk decided to wake me up by dumping a bucket of water on me.”
“Stupid, really? That's just mean.” The sound of his voice made my teeth grind together but as I turned around to glare daggers at him I couldn't help but dissolve into fits of laughter.
“Now why are you wet too if you threw the water onto her?” Caleb asked James in obvious confusion.
I turned to Caleb and gave him a huge smile. “I found out that I can control air by accidentally throwing James into the bathroom with a gust of wind. He landed in my shower so I turned on the cold water as payback.” I explained before James could say anything stupid.
“That's King James to you.” The arrogant jerk muttered from behind me. Something cold wrapped around my wrist, causing me to jump. “It's just me retard, now let go of his hand so we can go to the training room.”

A New World
RomanceAfter 40 years of war the earth is left to rubble. There is nothing standing and most species are dead, but not all. One of the remaining groups of civilization that are still alive are now resurfacing after being in the under ground tunnels under t...