Chapter 6: Squirrel?
Alia's P.O.V.
I woke up in what looked like a small holding cell. What happened? I looked around my cell and saw Ross in the cell next to me. He was sitting on a bench with his head in his hands. “Ross?” I called out. No answer. “Ross.” I tried again. No answer. “Ross!” I screamed. This time, his head shot out of his hands and he looked around. Once he spotted me, he rushed to the bars between us.
“Be quiet, they can't know your awake.” Ross commanded me.
“What's going on? What happened?” I whispered.
“Lay back down, close your eyes and pretend you are asleep. I'll tell you what happened.” Ross whispered back. I did as he said even though the floor was cold and very uncomfortable.
“Last night,” He started, “We had collected enough samples and were suppose to leave today to go home. So we set up camp about twelve miles away from the opening for our tunnel community. You decided to go to bed early. About an hour or so later, Fay heard a rustling in the bushes. Joey went to investigate and,” He paused, a small grin playing on his lips.
“And...?” I asked, trying to get him to continue.
“And it was just a squirrel.” he answered, trying really hard not to laugh.
“What's so funny about that.” I questioned.
“You are suppose to be quiet.” He said, giving me a hard look. All the humor in his eyes were replaced with seriousness.
“The squirrel threw a nut at him and he screamed like a little girl. I think he might of peed himself a little bit because there's a wet spot on his jeans.” he said, pointing across my cell. I turned around and I quickly spotted Joey's sleeping form on the floor. There was a little wet spot by his leg and only then did I realized that it smelt like pee. I turned back around, trying to force myself not to giggle.
“After Joey's little scream fest, we heard foot steps. We were being attacked. Joey, Fay and Tyler were fighting the men but they were.... different. I was doing my best to protect you but there were too many of them.” he explained.
“Where are we now?” I asked.
“We are in the dungeon of a place called 'The Kingdom'.” he said, using his fingers for air quotes on the word “The Kingdom”. Well, this can't be good. Everyone back home is probably freaking out.
I know for a fact Aria is singing quietly to herself. She does that when she is worried, nervous, or scared. She started doing that when we were 7, when grandmother Knight died. When ever we would freak out, grandmother Knight would sing to us to calm us down. Arrow, more than likely, broke a few things. It's hard for him to control his anger sometimes.
“Wait, where is Tyler and Fay?” I asked after coming to the realization that Joey, Ross, and I were the only ones from our team in this so called 'Dungeon.'
“Fay got away. They took Tyler to another room about two hours ago.” he stated, starring at the floor. I could tell Ross was worried about Tyler. In the week we spent together, I found out that Ross and Tyler are close friends. In fact, Tyler is like Ross's little brother.
“It's going to be okay, Ross. Fay got away. That means my dad is going to send us help.” I told him reassuringly.
“What if they don't come in time?” he asked, looking up at me with watery eyes.
“They will.” I said matter-of-factly. I pulled him into a hug, ignoring the bars between us. We stayed that way for a while until I heard a door open.
Before I knew it, I was being pulled out of his arms. Once I was standing, a man grabbed my arm and pulled me along with him. I tried to stop the man. He just tightened his grip and slapped my right cheek. It hurt so bad that wanted to scream but I had to stay strong. I let out a small whimper as silent tears started to roll down my face.
“Don't touch her!” Ross shouted at the mystery man.“Where are you taking her!” Ross continued to shout at the man as I was shoved into another room.
The floors were cement, like the floors in the dungeon, and the walls were gray. There was a singled metal table in the middle of the room with two wooden chairs, one on each side. There was also a huge mirror on the wall. I was pushed into one of the small chairs and my wrists were handcuffed to the arms of the chair. The mystery man left and a woman came. She sat in the chair in front of me.
She had bright blue eyes and auburn colored hair that went past her shoulders.
“Hello,” she began, “I have a few questions to ask you and I'm afraid if you don't cooperate, you will be punished. First off, my name is Maya. What is your name?” I was trying to decide whether to tell her my real name or not. I didn't know of I could trust her. After all, she was with the people who kidnapped my team.
“Rose.” I lied. I figured it would be best if I didn't tell her my real name or anything about me.
“So Rose, where exactly did you come from?” I wasn't prepared for that question. I had to think of a lie and fast. For all I know, she could send people to attack the tunnels.
“Umm,” I began but was quickly interrupted.
“Don't lie. I demand to know where you came from!” she practically screamed.
“I don't have to tell you.” I stated. Who does she think she is, demanding stuff from me.
“Yes, you do. I'm am the princess of this Kingdom. You will answer all my questions or you will be punished. I am so close to telling my guards to come in here and take you. Now, I'll ask you one more time. Where did you come from.” she said.
“I'm from a small village on the outskirts of Illinois.” I lied once more.
“Interesting. Did you know that there is no Illinois? The whole United States is under our control so we decided to rename every state. Also, this part of The Kingdom is in what used to be Illinois, so we would know if there were any villages.” Maya stated with a smirk. Crap! I didn't know that. I didn't even know that the whole country was taken over.
“Leon. Take her away. Do what you guys did to the Tyler boy.” Maya said. I heard the flip of a light switch and then I realized that the mirror was a one-way mirror.
Suddenly, the man from earlier came in and freed me from the chair. Before I could run, Leon handcuffed my hands together and dragged me out of the room. We were walking past empty cells. I guess I am being put back into my cell.
Then, we walked past my cell. As I was walking, I quickly told Ross not to tell Maya anything. We entered a room that was all white. Leon pushed me into a glass chamber that held a steel chair in the center. He shoved me into the chair and before I could retaliate, steel bars shot out of the chair, capturing my wrists and ankles.
So, this was it. I'm going to die. I won't even have the chance to tell Jason how I felt about him or tell Aria about mine and Jason's almost kiss.
The door opened and in came five men in lab coats. One of them, a tall guy with blonde hair and glasses, walked up to my chamber. Out of his side pocket, he pulled out a syringe that contained a dark green liquid.
“It will only hurt for a moment, I promise the pain will go away quickly.” The man with the glasses said as he stepped inside.
A/N: Sorry for the short chapter but chapter 5 was long so I think it's alright. So what do you think of Alia's situation? what do you think might happen to her and the rest of Team Two? comment and give me your opinions. I hope you like this chapter, Megan and I thought it would be nice to have a few in Alia's P.O.V. as well so Megan decided that she will write these chapters. please tell us what you think and don't forget to vote! ~Kylee and Megan

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