Chapter 5: The Journey Begins
I slid my fathers office door open with a long sigh. I had finally said goodbye to all of my friends and family just in time for me to have to report back to my fathers office. With everyone it had been the same, them telling me to be safe with lots of crying and hugging.
Stepping into his office I noticed that everyone else was already there. My father was at his desk with Kinsley and Laura on either side of him. The rest of my team were in the chair in front of the desk, Arrow and Jace on the left while Jason and Beth sat on the right. Not having a chair to go sit in I stepped between Jace and Jason's chairs.
“Alright, well it looks like we now have everyone here.” My father said, giving me a pointed look.
“Hey,” I said with raised hands. “I am exactly on time, it's not my fault that the rest of the group wanted to be early.” I dropped my hands and shared my own pointed look with the rest of my team. These traitors, they just wanted to be able to grab a seat before they were all taken. Lazy people.
“Now, now Aria. You know as well as anyone else that its always good to be early.” He countered back. Of course he would stand up for them. “Anyways, if you would focus your attention onto the pile of equipment over on that table.” He pointed to his right where there was a table I had not noticed before pressed up against the wall.
On the table were various types of weapons and equipment, ranging from bows and knives to first aid kits and rope. Four huge backpacks lay empty on the floor beside the table.
“Grab a backpack and start filling it with all of the things that you feel you will need. Remember to pack five pairs of clothes and don't worry, you will have enough room. Make sure to be quick about it because the sooner you leave and start your journey the sooner you will be able to rescue Team Two.” This time it was Kinsley who gave the orders.
We all walked over to the table, Arrow was the first there and handed us each a backpack. We filled our bags with the things that fit us most along with things we thought would come in handy. I looked over to my right as Arrow was strapping two swords to the sides of his bag while Beth was packing medical equipment. Turning to my left, I saw Jason messing with some technical stuff by the looks of it and Jace examining the guns that were placed in front of him.
Focusing back on my bag, I shoved the first-aid kit that I had been holding into one of the front pockets next to my knives. My bow was strapped to the side while my arrows were in the back pocket so that they would be easy to grab. I had taken my clothes out of the bag that I had brought when I first came in and placed them into the biggest middle pocket however, I was one pair short so I would have to make a trip back to my apartment before leaving. Sighing, I continued to pack up my bag.
Once we were all packed and ready to go, we followed my dad out of his office. As we got farther into Knight Tunnels, the team started to pass glances to each other, curious as to where we were going. I met Beth's gaze and sent her a reassuring smile which she returned.
We stopped in front of an unmarked door, Kinsley pulled out his keycard and ran it through the lock. The red light on the lock blinked twice then turned green. Then, suddenly, out of the wall came a keypad. It was gray, about as big as my hand and contained numbers 0 through 9. Kinsley stepped directly in front of it so that we could not see the code he was putting in. After a second, there was a clicking sound and the door slid open.
We were all surprisingly able to fit into the small room though personal space was no longer a privilege. All that was in the room was a ladder that went up the back wall, above it was a metal latch. I was guessing that this was how we were going to get to the surface. I turned my gaze to my father waiting for his confirmation.

A New World
RomanceAfter 40 years of war the earth is left to rubble. There is nothing standing and most species are dead, but not all. One of the remaining groups of civilization that are still alive are now resurfacing after being in the under ground tunnels under t...