The Worst Part of All This...

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Chapter 30

Niall's POV

It was a foggy when we arrived back in the UK. After getting word about Laney, we had all just stopped talking all together. It had been a depressing next couple of days. Once Liam got back to his flat, he hadn't come out since. The lads and I didn't even bother trying to get him out.

Everyone had been slumping around, not talking to one another. It was just pure hell. I hated this but we all needed time to grieve Laney. But not like this.

Julie's POV

I had hopped in the car and drove to Liam's flat. I had gotten him Nando's takeout. I knew it wouldn't cheer him up but hopefully it will help. Because I seriously doubt that he has been eating these past couple of days. I hadn't even seen him since Laney died. It bothered me inside.

I walked up his path and knocked on the door. No one answered. I knocked harder. No one answered. I got frustrated and began banging on the door.

"Liam, it's me. OPEN THE DOOR!" I shouted through the door. I heard scuffling and saw Liam swing open the door.

"What do you want?" he asked. I pushed past him with a strong figure and entered the flat. It was like something blew up in here. There were clothes, books and pillows strewn everywhere.

"I brought you some Nando's," I said happily, turning around to face him. He looked horrible now that I got a good look at him. He hadn't shaved in what seemed like days, he had stains on his shirt and he smelled horrible.

"I don't want it," he said, retaliating by pushing me out of the way. His strong force pushed me to the side as I stopped myself from falling. I regained my composure and started towards him.

"Liam, the funeral is tomorrow. You can't just stay in her forever. That is not what Laney would want," I said. "No matter how much it hurts, I understand. You have us." He spun around quickly and faced me, an angry look on his face.

"How would you know how much it hurts? I sat there and watched her cry as I hurt her, as I cheated on her and watched her run out the door and stood there watching like an idiot," he said, trying to hold back the tears clearly forming in his eyes.

"'s ok. This isn't your fault-" He spun around and before I knew it, I was on the floor in pain. I looked up at Liam. He had his hands covering his mouth, clearly surprised at what he had done.


"I'm ok," I said almost in tears by how much it hurt, "Let's just forget this happened. Don't tell anyone," I finished. He helped me up. He walked me slowly to my car and helped me in.

Before I drove away I looked at Liam. He seemed so alone. I had never seen him like this. Ever. I felt so bad for him. Yeah, Iost my sister which hurt alot. But he lost the girl he never got the chance to say how much he loves her. That's the worst part of all this.

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