The Aftermath

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Chapter 17

Liam's POV

The doctor approached us and he had a certain look on his face. One that I couldn't really describe but it looked bad. The doctor had a bald head, wore glasses and looked to be between 40 and 50 years old. He approached me and shook my head.

"You are here to see Mr. Horan,"

"Yes, you are...."I asked, not really caring what his name was but I thought it would be polite.

"Dr. Reid Connors," he said. I shook my head slowly and looked at him, clearly waiting for info about Niall. Dr. Connors just stood there like a lost puppy.

"So how is he?" Ashlyn asked from behind me, clearly impatient.

"Well, we got the bullet out. It didn't do horrible damage but I'm afraid he has fallen into a coma. This coma is not because of his brain, because well he was shot in the arm. This coma was caused by trauma. He can now have visitors but I'm guessing you'll want restricted acess," he said.

"Yes we would but we can talk about that later. Can we go see him?" I asked. Dr. Connors nodded and moved out of the way. We all walked towards Niall's room, Ashlyn hurried in front of us so she can see him. Ashlyn stopped at the door and just stood there. Zayn immediately grabbed Ashlyn's hand and they walked in together.

Ashlyn's POV

I couldn't describe how I felt seeing Niall lying in a hospital bed. His eyes weren't open and he wasn't moving either. I sat down next to Niall and held his cold hand. The other boys sat on the couch while the girls just stood behind me. I sat there for what seemed like days watching Niall. Waiting for him to get up. I had drifted off to sleep a couple times but I had not had a good night's rest since the night before the concert.

"Ashlyn, let's go home, its 11:30. You can sleep and we will come back first thing tomorrow," Miranda said, putting her hand on my shoulder. I shook my head slowly.

"If I leave, I might not be here when he wakes up," I said, adjusting myself in the chair so that I was comfortable.

"Ok, well I'll swing by the apartment and get some clothes for all of us," she said.

"Julie, do you want anything?" she asked. Julie shook her head and Miranda grabbed my keys and left.

Harry's POV

I couldn't stand to see Niall like this. Not moving. Not eating. It didn't seem right.  I sat on the couch next to Julie. I was really tired but I wasn't about to leave either. We were all going to be sitting here when he wakes up.

"I'm gonna run to the bathroom," Julie said, getting up and walking out of the room. I examined Ashlyn. I looked at the way she looked at Niall and the way she rubbed his hand. I saw how passionate she was about him. I saw the desire in her face for him to wake up. We had been here for three days and I had barely seen him move. His eyes fluttered once or twice every 6 hours or so but other than that. Nothing.

Time went by slowly and I anticipated when Julie would come back from the bathroom. I checked my watch. Julie had been in the bathroom for over ten minutes. It doesn't take that long. I mean girls are slow and everything but Julie's not. I excused myself from the room and left Ashlyn with Laney, Liam, Zayn and Louis. I walked down the hall and looked both ways before I entered the girls bathroom.

"Julie," I called. No answer. I bent down and checked under each stall. No shoes. No shoes. No shoes. Where did she go. I began to get nervous. I tried calling her a couple times and it went straight to voicemail. When I called her for the 5th time, it actually rang. I heard a muffled voice pick up the phone.

"Julie?" I asked.

"Harry, hello," the voice said.

"Who is this and where is Julie?" I demanded.

"She's with me. You shouldn't have left her alone," the voice said. I heard ruffling sound and a scream. My heart raced faster.

"Who are you?"

"Well, Harry you can probably guess who I am. I shot Niall tonight. And I took your beloved girlfriend. I'm the girl with the blue shirt and a gun." At that moment, I knew exactly who it was. After that, the line went dead and I was standing alone in a girls bathroom.

My first instict was to find her but I realized that the paparazzi outside would be wondering where I was going. They would make it such a big deal. I walked out of the girls bathroom, in fear that someone, a girl probably, would catch me in here. I didn't go back to Niall's roomb because I didn't want to worry anyone. I decided to call 911.

"911, what is your emergency?"

"Yes, I'd like to report a missing person. Her name is Julie Wilson," I said.

"How long has it been since she went missing?" the policemen asked.

"I would say about 10 to 15 minutes," I said, checking my watch.

"Sir, I am sorry but we can't report her until it's at least been 48 hours," he said. My heart dropped.

"Ok thank you," I said and I hung up the phone. I guess it was up to me to find her. I realized then that I had to tell everyone. It wouldn't be right to hide it from them. Julie was their friend too. I started towards Niall's room.

Zayn's POV

Niall had moved since Harry was gone and that brought a smile to Ashlyn's face.  At this time, Miranda was back and had brought a bag full of about four days worth of clothes for Ashlyn. She was seated next to me, watching Niall. Harry walked in with a look of seriousness on his face and began talking,

"Guys, I have to tell you something," he said. His statement worried me. But then again, after Niall being shot I don't know what else could go wrong. We all turend to him and stared until he decided it was time to keep talking.

"I went to go see if Julie was ok because she was in the bathroom for a while. I went in and she was gone. Someone called me as if almost immediately knowing I had entered the bathroom. I heard scuffling in the background and a scream. I knew it was Julie, I just knew. Then the person started talking. He or she took Julie and well....they shot Niall." Harry finally finished.

When, Harry mentioned Niall, Ashlyn's body froze. Harry ran his hands through his curls, a sight I was very used to after the past few days. I had never seen him so worried about a girl before. That's when I knew that Harry loved Julie. Like a lot.

"We'll find her. I know we will," I said.

"I was going to leave out a back door and go looking now," he said.

"I'm coming with you," she said, standing up and gathering her things.

"It's dangerous-"Harry started but Miranda put her hand to his face.

"Harry, I don't care, she's one of my best friends. I'm coming," she said, clearly ending the conversation. Louis got up, hugged Miranda and Harry, told them to be safe and they were off.

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