Press Conference

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Chapter 12

Julie's POV

The boys picked Ashlyn and I up from our apartment and we headed to the press conference. Miranda texted me and told me that she and Louis would meet us there. We arrived at the building and got out to find lots of paparazzi outside, waiting for us. Once we got through the paparazzi, which surprisingly didn't take a while, we went into the building and found Louis and Miranda waiting.

"Are you guys ready?" Simon said, as he approached us with a stern look on his face.

"Any idea how personal they are going to get?" Niall asked, looking over to Ashlyn who turned away.

"Very personal. But you guys got this. Just stick the truth. First we will have you answer a few question alone then we will bring out the girls." Simon said. He ushered the boys to their seats and the paparazzi started asking questions.

Boys, how do you feel about your upcoming MSG show in New York?

Daddy Direction decided to answer this one. "We are really just excited and can't wait to play there. It really is a dream." he said. The boys answered a few more questions about their work and then Simon told us to go out there. Me, Ashlyn and Miranda walked out there and sat down. From the left it was Liam, Zayn, me, Harry, Ashlyn, Louis, Miranda and finally Niall. The paparazzi went crazy with questions but soon settled down when they realized we aren't going to answer until they calm down.

Ashlyn, are you and Niall broken up?

I turned to Ashlyn and saw her tense a little but Harry held her hand. "Yes, Niall and I broke up. We're done."

What happened?

"Well I'm sure you all remember the headlines about Julie cheating on Harry and what not. Well those weren't entirely true." she started, then turned towards me to tell my part of the story.

"Harry and I were going on a date and I caught him with Caroline Flack. I assumed the worst and called Niall to pick me up. We went back to his place and-" I said, but Ashlyn interupted me.

"Julie kissed him and they didn't tell me. Niall lied to me so I ended it because I can't deal with liars." Ashlyn finished.

"Let's remember that she was drunk, Ashlyn." said Niall in his heavy Irish accent. I turned to him and he looked tired. Like he hadn't slept in days. I felt bad for him because somehow this was all my fault. Ashlyn got up and left the table and Niall followed behind her.  

Louis's POV

I sat there and watched Niall chase after Miranda. I saw Simon on the side of the table and motioned for us to continue. The paparazzi again lit up with questions. I pointed one man out that was normal sized, had square glasses and had a stain on his shirt.

"Louis, is there anything going on between you and Miranda?"he asked. This question made me smile. It was finally time to tell them. Under the table, I squeezed Miranda's hand as I answered the question.

"Yes actually I fancy her a lot and I have asked her to be my girlfriend," I said, grinning. The press turned to Miranda. She realized this and said, "Oh right. Umm...I said yes." she said. I could've sworn that the reporters, journalists and others jumped out of their seats at our little announcement. Miranda looked overwhelmed at it all. After that, they continued to ask questions to Harry and Julie about their relationship and after that the press conference ended.

The lads and the girls gathered in a room off a hallway and all sat down with Simon. The only two that were missing ofcourse were Niall and Ashlyn. Simon sent Paul to go find them.

Ashlyn's POV

I ran down a hallway and stopped. I was lost but I heard footsteps behind me. i truend around to find Niall. He looked horrible. Like he hadn't slept in days. The boys told me he was hurting but I didn't think it was that bad.

"Ashlyn, I need you to understand that this was all innocent," he said, pleading with his voice.

"Niall I understand this whole situation. I understand that she was upset. I understand that she was drunk when she kissed you. But what you need to understand is that the kiss is not what upsets me. Niall, it's the fact that you lied to me," I said, beginning to get tears. No, I can't cry my thoughts told me, You're stronger than this.

"I didn't want to hurt you," he said. God, those gorgeous blue eyes are just hypnotizing.

"Well you did." I said. I saw Paul coming up behind me and he told us to go into the conference room. Niall and I walked to the conference room and awkward silence and found the lads with Miranda and Julie sitting there. Waiting for us.

Liam's POV

Once Niall and Ashlyn entered the room and sat down, Simon looked at all of us and he looked peeved.

"Listen lads. This drama is insane. We are, from today until MSG, complete damage control. You lads need to get your lives together. Liam and Zayn are the only careful ones. Liam has managed to keep his relationship a secret." Simon said that and they all turned to me with surprised looks on their faces.

"Oh yeah guys by the way. I'm dating Laney." I said, awkwardly.

"Anyway, you guys have to keep the drama to a minimum and I mean it. Your fans deserve the best of you at that MSG show and I doubt you guys will perform at your best if you are worried about your girl," said Simon. The boys and I all nodded in agreement. Simon's phone rang and after he read it, he got a certain look on his face.

"I just got an email. Apparently, the fans do not like Miranda and Louis as a couple. I'm afraid Louis you know what this means. To prevent less drama, you are going to have to break up for a while."

Louis's POV

Miranda immediately tensed at the news. I should've seen it coming. How could I have been so stupid?  We just started dating and I went around telling the entire fandom about us. I turned to Simon.

"Si, come on. We just started dating. This isn't fair," I whined, but I was completely serious. Miranda looked towards Simon with hope splashed across her face but Simon merely shook his head. I saw one tear fall out of Miranda's eye before she got up and left the room.

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