The Funeral

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Chapter 31

Julie's POV

We walked in a procession towards the grave site. Our group of friends led the line. Many family and friends had joined us behind. We reached the gravesite and Harry sat me down. I watched as Ashlyn, Miranda and Liam sat down in the chairs. In the other set of chairs across from us, I watched my parents slowly sit, tears still in their eyes from the service.

Once everyone had gathered around and the casket was placed in it's position, we began the process. I watched as the priest blessed Laney's casket. I tried so hard not to cry.

"Now, I believe Laney's sister would like to say a couple of words," he said, pointing to me. I slowly stood up, Harry standing next to me. I felt his arms wrap around my waist, as if making sure I didn't fall over.

"Laney, you were the best sister anyone could have hoped for. You were funny, talented and my best friend. Though you did have trouble with spelling," I heard a slight as I continued on, "I don't know why you had to leave so early in your life, you had so much ahead of you. I will miss you so much and I love you, I love you, I love you," I said. Harry helped me back to my seat. Liam stood.

"I would like to say a couple words to the love of my life. I am so sorry I never got to tell you how much I truly cared for you. You were the best thing that heppened to me thought I only knew  you for months only. I would like to sing something for you," he said. He sniffled back tears as he began to sing.

I miss those brown eyes

How you kiss me at night

I miss the way we sleep

Like ther's no sunrise

Like the taste of your smile

I miss the way we breathe

Without any instruments Liam sounded perfect. He had tears streaming down his face. I realized then how much he loved Laney. After everything that happened, I told her that he didn't love her. But I was wrong. So wrong,

But I never told you

What I should have said

No, I never told you

I just held it in

And now I miss everything about you

I can't believe it, I still want you

After al lthe things we've been throught

I miss everything about you

Withtout you, whoa....

As Liam finished up the song, I looked around to see every single person with tears in their eyes. Laney would be missed. Alot. By me. By Liam. By everyone. Though she never really got a chance to live, I knew one thing happened right in her life. She met One Direction and for that, I was forever grateful to the five boys standing behind me.

And now I miss everything about you

Can't believe it, I still want you

After all the thing's we've been through

I miss everything about you

Without you

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