New York, New York

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Chapter 13

Harry's POV

We arrived in New York and there were huge amounts of fans outside of the airport. Simon figured that after the recent drama with our relationships that the girls take a seperate plane to New York. They fly in tomorrow afternoon but we aren't even allowed to go pick them up. When we arrived at the hotel, we all setlled into our suites. After that, we all gathered in Louis's suite to see how he was doing.

"Boo bear, how are you?" I asked, coming in with the other lads following behind me. Louis was laying face down on his couch. He didn't answer my question. I motioned for Niall to talk to him because well he had just gone through a break up too.

"Louis, it's going to be ok," Niall said.

"No Niall it's not.  Management says I can't be with her. I can't even pick her up from the airport tomorrow," he whined, then put his head back on the couch. Since we didn't have to practice until tomorrow, we decided we would all stay with Lou tonight.

Julie's POV

Ashlyn still wasn't talking to me but we did join forces to comfort Miranda. She kept ssaying that she was fine but we both knew that she wasn't. Miranda is not one to talk about things so we really just kept her company. We all packed together for New York.

"Guys, I want New York to be fun," Miranda said.

"It will be boo," Ashlyn said, snappng her fingers.

"Yeah, it'll be fun if my two best friends actually talk to eachother," she said. Ashlyn and I just looked at eachother with sad faces. I wanted to be friends with Ashlyn. I am truly sorry that my lips went where they did when I was drunk. And honestly, I missed my friend. Ashlyn and I moved towards eachother and hugged.

"I miss you," I said into Ashlyn's shoulder.

"I miss you too boo,"Ashlyn said, hugging me tighter. We broke our embrace and looked at eachother. We both turned to Miranda at the same time and found her in tears.

"These are happy tears, I promise. I'm just happy my friends are back." she said, and we all joined in for a group hug. I knew then that everything was going to be ok and New York was going to be awesome.

Miranda's POV

I was so excited to go back to the US. The UK is great and it's like my second home but there was always something about America. During the flight, Ashlyn and Julie fell asleep on my shoulders so I was just sitting there, thinking. About Louis. We didn't really talk about breaking up before the boys left. So I just assumed that we had broken up. It was going to be awkward, ofcourse, but I knew I had my girls to help me.

Once we landed and got our bags, we walked outside to find a cab. Just as a big tour bus pulled away, we saw Paul standing there with a sign that said, Julie, Miranda, and Ashlyn. We crossed the street and met Paul on the other side. We hopped int he car and took us to the boys hotel. The boys had gotten us a suite  for us to share and the best part was, it was right across from the boys.

We settled into our suite and began flipping through the channels. After bickering and whining, we settled on Keeping Up with the Kardashians. We were just sitting there laughing at how stupid they are, when we heard noises. We heard running and masculine voices laughing. I was guessing it was the boys.

Liam's POV

We were running through the halls, fresh from rehearsals and we were so excited to see the girls. We stopped in front of our door and just stared at the door across from us. The girls room. We looked at eachother, mentally asking eachother who was going to knock. I moved towards the door and right when I was about to knock, the door flew open. The girls were standing right there, with smirks on their faces,

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