Chapter 4: A Broken Fantasy

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Chapter 4:


 Sienna stood there looking me up and down as she placed one of her perfectly manicured hands on her hip. She looked like she had stepped out of a magazine, her hair and makeup done to perfection. We were quiet for a few moments, just staring at each other. I could have sworn she knew who I was by the way she was staring at me. I was bracing myself for the nasty comment to come and was surprised by what came next.

“So are you going to help me, umm, Nicole?” she asked as she tilted her head to read my nametag. Wait. Did she not know who I was? I slowly nodded, leaving my cart of cleaning supplies in the hallway as I followed Sienna into her room. Well… suite. She was in a penthouse suite and her hotel room was bigger than my entire house…times two. She pointed to a cart full of bags.

“Can you help me unpack those? I’m so sore from my morning kick boxing class, and my boyfriend isn’t here yet.” Those last few words made me tense up. Boyfriend? I had to bit my lip so I wouldn’t say anything offensive. I nodded and walked over to the cart, picking two of the bags up.

“Where would you like them?” I asked and she pointed to the master bedroom.

“Just in there is fine.” I walked over to the room, placing the two bags over in the corner of the room. This was humiliating. What if she did know who I was and was just trying to humiliate me even more? I sighed softly, straightening up to walk back over to the cart full of bags. What did she have in these things anyway? Some of them weighed like sixty pounds each, and there were like a thousand of them. Just as I picked up one of the heavier ones I saw another figure in the doorway and heard Sienna squeal.

“Took you long enough. I’ve missed you so much!” She exclaimed as she walked- more like pranced- to the door embracing the figure. I kept my head bent so he couldn’t see me.

“I’m so sorry. But I’m here now. Doesn’t that count for something?” He asked in his warm British accent, his voice sending chills down my spine. I could feel Sienna batting her eyelashes and slowly looked up just as she pressed her lips against his. I could feel my stomach churning as anger rushed throughout my entire body. This was even more humiliating than Sienna working me to death. He obviously hadn’t noticed me… what if I snuck out through the other door? I’m sure I could do it, it’s not like anyone ever notices me anyway. I attempted to slowly set the bag back onto the cart, but it made a louder noise than I had thought it would. I looked up in time to see Harry pull away from the kiss. His mouth dropped ever so slightly as he looked me up and down, pushing himself away from Sienna.

“Aww come on babe. That’s Nicole, she’s just helping me out.” Sienna whispered, kissing his lips softly again, but he pulled away.

“I… I can’t.” I could feel myself fighting back the tears as I stood there, my eyes locked on his. Sadness rushed over me as reality finally hit me: this was never going to work. I was just too emotionally invested to pretend not to care. Sienna’s eyes darted to me and she placed her hand on her hip.

“If you feel uncomfortable with her there then I’ll ask her to come back another time.” I swallowed, nodding as I pushed in between them, my arm rubbing his. I couldn’t hold it in anymore. I could feel the tears rolling down my cheeks as I made my way out the door and down the hallway. I didn’t know where I was going, and I didn’t really care. I had been stuck in a fantasy bubble for so long and I hadn’t realized how hard reality truly was. I could hear Sienna and Harry’s arguing fading as I kept walking.  As if on cue, a pair of footsteps came running after me.

“Nicole, wait!” I kept walking, pretending not to have heard. The footsteps were coming closer and I picked up my pace, not wanting to face him. Why couldn’t I have just stayed home like a normal teenager on summer break? Or better yet, not have met him.  I felt a hand on my shoulder and my feet stopped walking. I didn’t want them to. I wanted to never stop. I could feel heavy breathing behind me as I slowly turned around, looking up into his eyes.

“Nicole, please. You don’t understand.” He said heavily. His eyes were my weakness. Why did he have to have such beautiful eyes… I shook my head.

“I clearly understand, Harry. I knew it was too good to be true.” Harry sighed, shaking his head. He lowered his voice to a whisper.

“Sienna doesn’t know about us. To her, this is all real.” He said, his voice barely a whisper. My mouth dropped, as I shook my head. That poor girl.

“Harry!” I exclaimed, turning away, but he grabbed me, turning me back.

“Nicole please… I can’t be seen with you now. But come down to my room tonight at nine. I’ll explain everything then… please.” His soft, desperate voice seemed so sincere. My head told me to turn around and to never come back… but my heart was stupid. I sighed, looking down at my feet.


At that moment Sienna started to walk towards us and Harry smiled apologetically, turning away to run towards his fake... wait real? I don’t even know anymore… his girlfriend.

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