Chapter 6: It's All My Fault

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Chapter 6:

Nicole’s POV:

My head was throbbing as I walked down the dimly lit corridor. I had never felt more confused in my life. Why was I putting myself through this? I had only been in New York for not even a day, and nothing good had happened. Lets recap: Harry didn’t acknowledge my existence at the airport, Rick is the definition of an asshole, I split open my forehead, Sienna Swanson doesn’t know that her relationship isn’t real…. Sounds pretty shitty to me.  This was supposed to be the best summer of my life. Instead, I had thrown away a once in a lifetime internship in order to work as a maid. I thought it would all be worth it, but at this point all I wanted to do was go home. I felt completely and utterly alone. I had nobody to talk to, nobody who would understand me.  Harry was dating another girl, and she didn’t know the relationship wasn’t real. I know I wasn’t supposed to, but I felt betrayed. I was jealous. Why couldn’t I be the one on Harry’s arm at all of these benefits? Why couldn’t the world see me kissing him softly, posing for pictures that would end up in the tabloids? Why couldn’t I go on a normal date with him? I was tired of sneaking around. Tired of lying to everyone I knew. I had hurt so many people in the process, and I was starting to believe that it just wasn’t worth it anymore.

I had made it a few more steps before my head exploded. Well, not literally, but it felt like it. It felt like somebody had stabbed me in the head. The hall was spinning, and nothing was in perspective. It almost felt like I was in a movie. My vision blurred together and everything had a white glow. I stumbled a bit, leaning againnst the wall for support. What was happening to me?  My feet gave out beneath me and at that moment, I blacked out.

Harry’s POV:

I sat on the sofa in my room, nervously tapping my leg against the floor. I held my black iPhone in my hands, checking it every ten seconds to see if Nicole had text me.  I had really screwed up. I wanted to make this the best summer of her life, but instead it seemed like she was just getting her heart broken. And it was all my fault. I mean, we hadn’t been together for that long, but I was falling for her. Hard. There was something about her that I couldn’t resist. She was a normal girl, yet I had never met anyone like her.  She treated me like I was just another guy. She didn’t care that I was in a boy band. She liked me for me. I sighed softly, checking my phone again. It was 9:00pm on the dot. She should be getting here at any moment.  Nicole was never late, ever. I had told the boys to go out without me, so nobody was around except for me. I figured this would give us a chance to talk, which we desperately needed. I ran my hand through my curly hair, letting out a deep breath.

At that exact moment, I heard a loud thump right outside my door, almost like somebody had fallen. I got off of the couch and hurried to the door, opening It slightly. It was Nicole… and she was passed out on the floor. I ran over to her, kneeling down next to her.

“Nicole… Nicole are you ok? Can you hear me?” I asked, brushing her hair out of her face. She was completely unconscious.  I could feel my heart racing as I clumsily pulled out my phone, dialing 911.

“911 what is your emergency?” I stumbled for my words as I tried to keep my composure.

“I need help. There’s a girl passed out at the top floor of the Hilton Hotel. Please hurry.” Her chest moved up and down slowly, so I knew she was still breathing. I glanced from side to side, seeing if anyone had seen what had happened. The hallway was completely deserted, the only other room was Sienna’s, and she was out. Minutes felt like hours and eventually the medics rushed out of the elevator. One of them pulled me away as he checked her pulse.

“Get her to the ER, now.” In the blink of an eye she was on the stretcher and being pulled towards the elevator, the medics shouting something that I couldn't comprehend to each other.

“Is she going to be ok?” I asked, following behind them. One of the medics stuck his hand out as they entered the elevator.

“Sir, we’re going to have to ask you to catch the next elevator. You can meet her there.” The door closed and I stood there, frozen.  I couldn’t move. I couldn’t speak. I couldn’t think. I punched the wall next to me, blood rushing down my hand, but I didn’t care. I was so angry with myself… I couldn’t help but think this was all somehow my fault. The elevator finally dinged and Sienna stepped out, smiling

. “Oh hey babe.” She said cheerily before her gaze fell to my bloody hand.

“What happened?” She asked, her expression filled with worry.

“Here, let’s go clean that u-“

“No.” I interrupted her, stepping into the elevator.

“But babe, it’s going to get infected.” I couldn’t deal with her right now. She was the reason I couldn't be seen in public with Nicole. She was the reason Nicole was so upset. I know she didn't do anything, but I couldn't help but hate her at that moment.

 “Sienna please, leave me alone.” I said coldly and the elevator doors closed. I slid down against the wall into a seated position, burying my face into my hands as the elevator made it's decent to the lobby.

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