Chapter 3: Just my Luck

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Chapter 3:


My “ride”, also known as a pickup truck carrying the boy’s sound equipment, pulled up to the back of the Hotel, stopping right next to the back door. I glanced over at the driver and smiled softly, only to be returned a look that said ‘Get out.’ I quickly unbuckled my seatbelt, mumbling, “Thanks,” as I hopped out of the truck.  I barely had to time to close the door before the truck sped away and I had to jump out of the path to save my life. I picked up my bags and shuffled towards the door. Just as I reached for the handle the door burst open, hitting me in the face.

“Ow!” I squealed, dropping my bags and putting my hand on my head.

“I’m so sorry miss!” A guy said, bending down to pick my bags up. He frowned slightly.

“I hope you’re ok. Nobody’s usually back here. Which makes me wonder why you are.” He trailed off. I looked up and was surprised at what I saw. He was my age… maybe nineteen or twenty tops. He had brown shaggy hair and was probably on his school’s soccer team. He looked like a soccer player… and happened to be incredibly attractive.

“Yeah, I think I’m ok, thanks.” I smiled softly. He nodded, “Let me grab these for you. I’m Nate by the way. And you are?” He asked, opening the door for me to walk through.

“I…uhh… I’m Nicole.” I stuttered, not sure if management had also given me a fake name and backstory to go along with the ridiculous job. His eyes brightened, and I bit my lip, looking up at him.

“You’re the new girl. Well… kind of. The boss said he’d given you  a job for a couple of days. I didn’t even know they did that, to be honest. Here, let me help you around.” He said as he closed the door behind us. We were in a dark hallway, not resembling one of a hotel whatsoever. So this is what the 'staff only' area looked like.

“I’m actually supposed to meet a Rick?” I said in more of a questioning way. Nate looked down at me with a puzzled look just as a man turned the corner and came walking over to me.

“Nicole, there you are. I’ve been looking all over for you. Come on.” Rick said, taking my bags from Nate and walking down the hall and turned the corner. I guess that meant I should follow him.

“I’m sorry, I should go.” I said apologetically, following Rick. Nate bit his lip, running a hand through his hair.

“I’ll give you a tour of the hotel later if you’d like.” He said a bit nervously, but I didn’t hear the tone in his voice. I was trying to catch up to Rick.

“Sure. I’ll see you later.” I smiled and turned the corner, out of his sight.

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 “Nicole did you understand anything I just said?” Rick asked as he paced in front of me in a banquet hall. I had zoned out for the last twenty or so minutes but managed to get the important information from him.

“Yes. I start immediately, have to go change, and can’t see Harry until after 9pm every day. And if I get caught I have to deal with you.” I said sweetly. I could tell he didn’t really like me, and that was fine by me. It seemed like everyone except for the boys hated me. It’s not like I ever did anything. Besides, I’m not sure I would even be seeing Harry. The way things had played out at the airport made me wonder if our relationship, if I could even call it that, was real. I could feel the tears coming on and quickly grabbed the uniform from Rick’s hands, running out of the banquet hall and to the bathroom across the hall. I locked it behind me, walking up to the mirror. My eyes were red and watery, and I couldn’t help but break down, the tears rolling down my cheeks as I sobbed softly. I hated lying, to anyone, and the fact that I was lying to my parents about such a huge thing was giving me panic attacks. Not to mention Harry didn’t even seem to notice me. I wiped the tears rolling down my cheek and swiftly changed into my uniform.

I’m almost positive they thought I was a lot smaller than I actually am because the blue dress that was supposed to go past my knee was two inches above it. I sighed and quickly threw my hair up in a ponytail, wiping the last of my tears off of my face. I looked like an absolute wreck, but hopefully that meant I would ‘fit in’.  Rick had taken my bags to my room already, which meant that I was supposed to go on duty. They definitely didn't mess around. I took a deep breath and opened the door, stepping out of the bathroom.

Rick wasn’t in the banquet hall anymore and in his place stood a cart full of cleaning supplies. There was a note attached to it that read, ‘Nicole, this is for you’. I ripped the note into a million little pieces, throwing them on the banquet floor as I walked out of the room and down the hall. I didn’t even know what I was supposed to do. Rick hadn’t told me to go clean any rooms. Was I just supposed to walk around? Maybe I should find somebody and ask. I rode the elevator for a bit before stepping out on the top floor.

The hotel was really nice, obviously. The boys always stayed at the best hotels. The walls were a cream color and the hotel had a more modern vibe to it with maroon accents everywhere. Just as I turned another corner, I heard footsteps coming up behind me.

“Umm, excuse me? Can I have a little help over here?” A women’s voice asked. I didn’t know she was talking to me until she spoke again.

“Hello?” It was then I realized that I was the one in the maid costume. I sighed, turning around, and could feel my mouth drop. There was Sienna Swanson, Harry’s fake ‘girlfriend’, standing a mere three feet away from me.

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