Chapter Eighteen

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Tommy was lost to Tim but his battle was just as fast paced. Like a swarm of bees the enemies literally oozed into the compound, their feet crunched in the gravel and shouts, screams and growls were instantly heard. They covered the ground and engaged in fights almost immediately. They ran over to the buildings and broke down the doors, many streamed inside the buildings looking for huddled up non-fighters but they had been sent on ahead too long ago to find them now. The passage way had been hidden, covered up and were rather secret.

                Not only did they pour into the building but they started to climb up the very outside brick work to get to the roofs. They came up from the side of the buildings, some went slid inside through the windows to check out the higher floors. It was mere minutes later than on top of the very roof, Tim was fighting for his life came enemy wolves. Tim’s position had been seen from the start and they intended to bring him down… once and for all.  

                Drool was sliding down the side of his mouth  he was baring his teeth so much. He snapped viciously with his jaws letting the sound of teeth on teeth threaten those that came to him. He wouldn’t be taken down easily. He snapped to the right and caught a human leg. He threw himself backwards and pushed a wolf off the roof, grabbing onto the ledge with his paws just in time. His claws cut deep ridges into the rim but he didn’t worry about that now, hauling himself back up as teeth lunged for him he jerked his body to the right. The wolf that went for him fell off the roof too and then he faced three humans.

                Crouched down low he made to spring forward but one raised a gun at him, pointed it at his face. Ducking his head, he pushed hard with his thighs and bounded forward to charge full speed at the one who held the gun. At last minute he veered to the left and pushed the human to the floor of the roof and used his body to pin him. With his teeth he clamped down the thin neck and crushed it instantly. The sound of a gurgled death was not pleasant but it signalled that Tim could get up and fight the other two.

                A sharp sting on his back had him arching a little with pain. Chains had whipped him and he furiously swiped his paw at the arm that held them. His claws drew blood as they ripped at the man skin but the chains were only raised again. A bullet whizzed past his shoulder blade and he felt it’s heat. He ran at the man with chains but sharp teeth took hold of his ankle as another wolf came up to his roof. He kicked out his leg and collided with the attacking muzzle, the wolf went down instantly but was also easily replaced by another.

                A bullet hit the floor by his foot and he looked down the little greying bullet and then up at the one who aimed the gun. Bad aim he thought smugly before running. His roof was swarming with the humans and the wolves all trying to bring him down, the walls were covered in the crawling forms of both wolves and experienced humans. All trying to get to him, all trying to bring him down. If he stayed there, he would be overrun, the sheer numbers were far too many for a single man. With all his might and strength he ran. His body hit the offending gunman directly in the chest and both were hurled off the rooftop. Keeping a hold of the man Tim used him as his shield as they crashed to the floor three storeys down. The man took the jarring shock of the fall and saved Tim from too much pain.

                Stepping off the dead man Tim tested his legs. All were working just fine, now to find Tommy.


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