Chapter Three

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Tim never thought he would have any woman in his home. Rogues were generally men and his guest room had had many males sleeping there when they needed a place to stay for the night and warm food and information. But the visits had been fleeting; he had seen a rogue to the safety of his waterfall and given them information on how to pass through the land unnoticed. They had either used that information and gone or they had stayed there and allowed him to protect them. His guest room was scarcely decorated and never before had a woman stayed in his home. He had seen only two women in all his time here and he had taken them straight to the waterfall. Women needed a lot more reassurance than males did for the simple reason that they were not as strong. They feared Tim and thought that if he hurt them they would not be able to defend themselves against him. Males told themselves they could fight Tim if he turned out to wrong them. Not that Tim would do that but he admired the male pride sometimes. He knew many of them would last less than a minute in a fight with him but they shrugged it off none the less, feigning confidence. Tim had purposely trained his body to a warrior with no equal.

                After everything he had given up to be a warrior he had not let isolation get to him. He had pushed himself so hard that he made sure the leaving of his family would never be in vain. It was not his pride that told him could win the battles; it was desperate training that shaped him into a killer with few equals.

                Looking around at his home he felt it inadequate to bring his mate back to but it was all he had so he carried her in through the door and towards his guest bedroom on the second level. He had figured out how to build an upstairs with supports and he was pleased to say it was sturdy though he purposely did weight training downstairs - he wasn’t silly enough to actually tempt his first building that much. The room had a single bed and unfortunately only one chest of drawers and plain white pain on the walls. The drawers themselves were ones had built himself.

                Removing her shoes and sliding her in the bed he let her sleep. He had to keep an eye on her though the smell of blood while not life threatening was strong. That would have to be tended to when she woke up. In the meantime he left her and started to prepare a broth and bread for her. By the stove he felt his happiness dull a little more. Tendra would never get to see his mate, a happy family reunion wasn’t miraculously going to happen and there would be no family meal at festive moments of the year. In short he was bringing his mate into a life of isolation and stark quietness.  The more he pondered on that the more he felt shame for running away all those years ago, he would most likely never accepted back. It was his own fault and he had come to terms with his stupidity a long time ago but now at this turning point of his life, when he had a mate and he wanted to buy a bottle of champagne and share it with his friends and family, he was reminded that he had no one to share such happiness with.

                So he vowed he would buy himself and his beautiful mate a bottle to share between them. He would go to the waterfall as was his usual patrol and he would tell all his acquaintances. He didn’t think they would call him a friend, he protected them but he very rarely conversed with him and he didn’t stay for meal and such like even when they offered but they were the only ones he could share his happiness with. They would be happy for him, it was a fine thing for everyone when one found their mate.

                He cursed; he had missed his shift at work. So caught up in his new mate he forgotten that he was supposed to be at work. Sighing he took out his mobile, the only luxury he had in his wild life, and he quickly dialled his boss.

“I’m so sorry.” He said, “Something’s happened. I found a woman unconscious and I had to help her, I won’t be able to make it in today. I tried but I can’t, sorry.” He barley gave his boss a chance to speak so desperate to explain and keep his job.

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